
[Policy] Don’t miss out – watch the side event from the 16th session of COSP on inclusive education!
If you’ve missed it, it is a must-see! The side event at the 16th session of COSP on Inclusive Education: an imperative for advancing human rights and sustainable development – watch it now!  The side event, held in June 2023, was a contribution to SDG 4 and to the follow-up to the UN Transforming Education … Continue reading [Policy] Don’t miss out – watch the side event from the 16th session of COSP on inclusive education!

[Podcast] The SDGs: A promise in peril
Only 12% of the Sustainable Development Goal targets are on track. Marginalised learners – including those with disabilities – are being left behind. In this special episode, Liesbeth Roolvink talks on the podcast ‘ Goal 4′ about Sightsavers’ #promiseinperil campaign, and what we can all do today to get involved (hint: it takes about 3 … Continue reading [Podcast] The SDGs: A promise in peril

[Report] World Bank study looks into inclusive education approaches
The World Bank funded study and report ‘Approaches to Deliver Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia‘ presents a review of different approaches in service delivery being implemented in the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to ensure the inclusion of children with disabilities in education. The review examines in what ways (and … Continue reading [Report] World Bank study looks into inclusive education approaches

[UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!
In July GPE youth leaders continue to show their dedication to education funding remaining a priority around the world. Youth leader Asimawu (Ghana) hosted an episode of Raise Your Hand Live! featuring Alicia Herbert OBE (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office) and Dr. Maliha Khan (Women Deliver); Marina (Japan) spoke at the Japan Educational Forum; … Continue reading [UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!

[Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics
Check out the new translated articles below: In Arabic: نموذج صندوق الرمل: منهج جديد نحو التكرار أثناء تنفيذ برنامج للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ في لبنان أثناء جائحة كوفيد- The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic and in Spanish@: Mejorar la salud socioemocional: … Continue reading [Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics

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