
[UK advocacy] ALLFIE to build new coalition on fight for inclusive education
The Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) is the disabled people’s organisation leading the fight for inclusive education in the UK is building a new coalition of allies and supporters to end segregation and push for mainstream education for all disabled people.  ALLFIE hopes the coalition will draft new legislation on inclusive education and push for … Continue reading [UK advocacy] ALLFIE to build new coalition on fight for inclusive education

[Resources] Ukrainian children embrace new reading app
Today, more than 48.5 million children are out of school as a result of armed conflict. Denied their right to an education, these children also come up against a range of social and mental health problems. War Child’s Can’t Wait to Learn innovation addresses this dual emergency. After the success of their EdTech Can’t Wait … Continue reading [Resources] Ukrainian children embrace new reading app

[Advocacy] SDG4 youth leaders launch open letter to prioritise investment in global education systems
Through the Youth Declaration, young people all over the world committed to lead the way in transforming education. With the Global Youth Initiative young people are reiterating their support and commitment to the cause and are urging all world leaders to turn words into action by investing in concrete, transformative actions for education. As part … Continue reading [Advocacy] SDG4 youth leaders launch open letter to prioritise investment in global education systems

[Advocacy] Presidents Akufo-Addo and Kikwete call for bold multilateral action in global education
Global education has reached a tipping point. ‘The COVID-19 pandemic, the global food crisis, and climate change pose a grave threat to the future prospects of hundreds of millions of children around the world, particularly in lower-income countries. Ensuring that all children receive 12 years of quality education requires bold multilateral action. ACCRA – The … Continue reading [Advocacy] Presidents Akufo-Addo and Kikwete call for bold multilateral action in global education

[Advocacy] The Global Youth Initiative – towards a youth-led transformation of education
The Global Youth Initiative was developed by youth and student networks and other partners under the overall coordination of the SDG4 Youth Network, and is the first multi-stakeholder, global initiative aiming to ensure meaningful youth engagement and leadership in education policy-making. ‘There will be no transformation of education without the meaningful engagement and participation of young … Continue reading [Advocacy] The Global Youth Initiative – towards a youth-led transformation of education

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