
[Advocacy] #Shiftthepower ~ a round up of articles and events on ‘decolonising aid’
EENET is part of the narrative of a decolonized system of development that is truly inclusive and responds to all needs.  Here is a round-up of some articles, blogs and reports that address the inequities in the aid system and ways of moving forward. Lankelly Chase announce a 5-year plan to close the organisation. They … Continue reading [Advocacy] #Shiftthepower ~ a round up of articles and events on ‘decolonising aid’

[Advocacy] #Shiftthepower ~ a round-up of articles and events on ‘decolonising aid’
EENET is part of the narrative of a decolonized system of development that is truly inclusive and responds to all needs.  Here is a round-up of some articles, blogs and reports that address the inequities in the aid system and ways of moving forward. The New Humanitarian produced a decolonising aid reading and resource list … Continue reading [Advocacy] #Shiftthepower ~ a round-up of articles and events on ‘decolonising aid’

[Report] European Agency news bulletin on inclusive education ~ September 2023
The September edition of the monthly eBulletin from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education outlines recent Agency activities and resources. Check out the rest of their website for other news and projects.

[Podcast] GPE’s Sarah Beardmore chats education and climate change
Listen to Sarah Beardmore from GPE talk about the links between education and climate change on the ‘Goal 4: Education for All’ podcast, hosted by Richard Ingram. Listen on: Spotify. Apple podcasts. Web player. Here is the GPE report: Rethinking education for a climate-resilient future mentioned during the podcast.

[Blog] Photo-blog of school life and challenges in Malawi
The GEC wanted to evaluate how the education interventions of GEC II projects in Malawi had impacted the lives of girls with disabilities.  They used Photovoice to produce an amazing participatory photoblog of how the girls felt about school. All the photos were taken by Malawian girls with disabilities as part of the research. Take … Continue reading [Blog] Photo-blog of school life and challenges in Malawi

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