
[Resource] Let’s use technology to support distance education
A newly published guide from EDC focuses on how various distance education technologies—both traditional and emerging—can support the actual teaching and learning process. Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models, and Methods is the new edition of EDC’s popular 2011 guide by the same name. The completely revised guide draws on data from 188 countries … Continue reading [Resource] Let’s use technology to support distance education

[Article] The ‘missing children’ when educating in emergencies
As we cross the halfway mark of 2023, the world has already been rocked by several major humanitarian crises that have impacted children’s education. From the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, the escalating conflict in Sudan, and the hunger crisis in East Africa, to more localised and targeted situations such as the terrifying school attacks in Western Uganda or … Continue reading [Article] The ‘missing children’ when educating in emergencies

[UK Campaign] Let my friends learn!
The Send My Friend to School coalition is calling on the UK Government to support crisis-affected countries to build and invest in inclusive, resilient, and gender-responsive education systems that can withstand all hazards to protect the learning of all children during emergencies. It calls on the UK Government to prepare, protect, invest, and act to … Continue reading [UK Campaign] Let my friends learn!

[Blog] Halfway to 2030, how far are we from achieving SDG 4?
There are ten targets in the global education goal, SDG 4, which lay out the steps for providing a quality education for all. They cover children accessing 12 years of quality education with a qualified teacher, learning to read and write and to become active global citizens, and continuing to access education or training throughout … Continue reading [Blog] Halfway to 2030, how far are we from achieving SDG 4?

[Report] The global report on learning recovery and acceleration: lessons from the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic created the worst shock to education on record and led to large learning losses that disproportionately affected children from low-income populations. The World Bank’s new “Learning Recovery to Acceleration: A Global Update on Country Efforts” report takes stock of countries’ efforts to overcome the pandemic’s impacts on students and build more resilient … Continue reading [Report] The global report on learning recovery and acceleration: lessons from the pandemic

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