
[Toolkit] Save the Children’s guidance on inclusive distance learning
With school closures, education in emergencies responses are shifting to home or shelter-based distance learning (including paper-based and technology-based options). As with in-person education, distance learning is not always designed with the specific educational needs of individual children in mind. Programmes that use only one delivery mechanism or expect rigid inputs and functional abilities from … Continue reading [Toolkit] Save the Children’s guidance on inclusive distance learning

[Statistics] Child marriage and education
Child marriage limits girls’ access to quality education. When a girl gets married, she is often expected to drop out of school, ending her formal education. As a wife or mother, she is often expected to take care of the home, children and extended family.  Returning to school can be almost impossible for a married girl. Keeping girls in school … Continue reading [Statistics] Child marriage and education

[Position paper] Save the Children’s commitment to inclusive education
This position paper outlines Save the Children’s continued commitment in 2022 to ensuring that all children have equal access to a quality, rights-based inclusive education which emphasizes equity in access and participation, and responds positively to the individual learning needs and competencies of all children. Take a look on the Child Rights Resource Centre for … Continue reading [Position paper] Save the Children’s commitment to inclusive education

[Podcast] Interview with Kanwal Singh discussing inclusive education in India
Listen to Kanwal Singh’s insights into inclusive education in India on this podcast. Kanwal is former director of the Vishwas school and author of Hanging On: A Special Educator’s journey into inclusive education. The podcast reflects on Kanwals career working with students with disabilities in special schools and why her attitude changed toward inclusive practices. … Continue reading [Podcast] Interview with Kanwal Singh discussing inclusive education in India

[Strategy] ‘Every woman, every child’ (Global Strategy for Health 2016 – 2030)
First published in 2016 we now find ourselves 6 years into the ‘Survive, thrive and transform global strategy. The joint WHO and UNCIEF ‘Every woman, every child’: Global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescent’s health (2016 – 2030) was launched to build on the new commitments and advocacy of the health-related Millennium Development Goals. By … Continue reading [Strategy] ‘Every woman, every child’ (Global Strategy for Health 2016 – 2030)

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