
Children & Young People Now Awards November 2022 – enter NOW
The Children & Young People Now Awards offer an opportunity to celebrate hard work and raise the profile of projects and initiatives to potential funders as well as the general public in the UK. 2022 Categories The Early Years Award The Play Award The Youth Work Award The Youth Volunteering and Social Action Award The Learning … Continue reading Children & Young People Now Awards November 2022 – enter NOW

EENET is 25 years old… and we have a new logo!
EENET is 25 years old! To celebrate this milestone we have updated our logo. We hope you like it! Over the coming weeks on our Facebook page, we’ll share some key moments from our first quarter-century. We’d also love to hear your memories and reflections of inclusive education journeys over the last 25 years. If … Continue reading EENET is 25 years old… and we have a new logo!

INEE launches a Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings
INEE has recently launched a new Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings. This publication is part of a larger project, funded by Education Cannot Wait, to develop a Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit in order to meet the needs of teachers in their local context. The guidance note is aligned with the INEE Minimum Standards, … Continue reading INEE launches a Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings

New report on cash assistance for disabled children in EIE
The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team launched the research report “The Role of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Increasing Equity and Inclusion for Girls and Children with Disabilities in Education in Emergencies” produced by CGA Technologies under the direct supervision of World Vision on behalf of the Task Team. The webinar, which took place virtually on … Continue reading New report on cash assistance for disabled children in EIE

Register now! – Inclusive Beginnings online courses
During 2020 and 2021 EENET used a  grant from OSF to develop 4 online courses called Inclusive Beginnings. The online courses are available free-of-charge on EENET’s LearnLink platform. ‘Inclusive Beginnings’ courses: Inclusive practice – you will learn about making pre-school teaching and learning environments and practices more inclusive. Many of the ideas are relevant for primary … Continue reading Register now! – Inclusive Beginnings online courses

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