
Report: Leave No Child Behind. Invest in the early years
This report provides an overview and findings on the state of inclusive early childhood development (ECD) in sub-Saharan Africa, the region with the highest proportion of children at risk of not meeting their developmental milestones. The research focused on 4 countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Ten donors were analysed in terms … Continue reading Report: Leave No Child Behind. Invest in the early years

World Bank report on education for learners with disabilities in the COVID-19 context
COVID-19 requires a rethink of remote learning to ensure inclusion. Every child with and without disability needs to access and participate in learning that takes place within and away from the classroom. Read more in the new World Bank report: Pivoting to Inclusion: Leveraging Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities.

HI report on inclusive education in a post-COVID world
Humanity & Inclusion published a new advocacy report on International Children’s Day. Let’s break silos now! – Achieving disability-inclusive education in a post-COVID world highlights that the educational exclusion of children with disabilities requires action now and collaboration across sectors. Download the report in PDF format.

‘Early Childhood Matters’ 2020 – Bernard van Leer Foundation
This year’s edition of Early Childhood Matters has been published. It contains articles on a wide range of early childhood topics. In addition to a strong focus on matters relating to Covid-19, various articles focus on inclusion and equality, such as: Identity matters: addressing inequity starts in early childhood Scaling-up mother tongue-based multilingual preschool education … Continue reading ‘Early Childhood Matters’ 2020 – Bernard van Leer Foundation

SiSwati subtitles for ‘Inclusive Beginnings’
EENET’s latest films about inclusive early childhood development and education can now be watched with siSwati subtitles. You can find the films on our YouTube channel. Subtitles in more languages are coming soon.

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