
Covid-19 situation
EENET’s small team around the world has been working hard over the last few weeks. We are all freelance and already work from home, so you should hopefully see no major disruptions to our day-to-day information sharing through the website and social media. If the quantity of new material declines a bit, or we’re a … Continue reading Covid-19 situation

Accessibility Plans as Effective Tools for Inclusion in Schools: Are They Working?
The Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has published a report about the plans that mainstream schools in the UK make to include pupils with disabilities and parents. The report is entitled: ‘Accessibility Plans as Effective Tools for Inclusion in Schools: Are They Working?’ ALLFIE conducted research to see if these accessibility plans were making a … Continue reading Accessibility Plans as Effective Tools for Inclusion in Schools: Are They Working?

National Teacher CPD Framework, Rwanda
The National Teacher CPD Framework, published by the Rwanda Education Board, aims to improve teacher continuous professional development (CPD), specifically the impact that teacher CPD has on teaching and learning. The guide is aimed at people who work to improve teaching and learning in Rwandan schools and the wider education system. It looks at teacher … Continue reading National Teacher CPD Framework, Rwanda

* NEW * Enabling Education Review Issue 8
Our latest edition of EER has recently been published in PDF and HTML format. It focuses on the theme of ‘family involvement in inclusive education’ and features articles about initiatives happening in Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Trinidad & Tobago, UK and USA. Download the PDF version of EER8. Read … Continue reading * NEW * Enabling Education Review Issue 8

Video: What is accelerated education?
This short new video from USAID provides a brief explanation of accelerated education programmes. Remember, you can also find a lot of information about accelerated education in the ‘Guide to the Accelerated Education Principles’ which was written with input from EENET team members.

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