
[Article] African leaders back Decade of Education in bold move to end learning poverty in 10 years
African education leaders have united to eliminate learning poverty in Africa by 2035. At the end of the 2024 Africa Foundational Learning Exchange (FLEX 2024), held in Kigali, Rwanda in November 2024, 22 Ministers of Education, and 12 Heads of Ministerial Delegations from 34 countries in Africa endorsed the African Union’s call to declare a … Continue reading [Article] African leaders back Decade of Education in bold move to end learning poverty in 10 years

[Article] Sudan emergency: underfunding of Regional Refugee Response Plan for Sudan
UNHCR issued the mid-year report about the Refugee Response Plan for Sudan in June 2024, but the situation has not improved. A recent news article by Education Cannot Wait wrote: “With millions of people fleeing the brutal conflict, hunger and atrocities in Sudan, the education system in the neighboring state of Chad is reaching the … Continue reading [Article] Sudan emergency: underfunding of Regional Refugee Response Plan for Sudan

[Blog] All hands on deck for SDG4: how to build more integrated education systems
In line with the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report’s call to view all education actors as part of a single system, the blog highlights the need for collaboration between all education stakeholders: governments, non-state education providers, researchers, innovators, funders, CSOs, and community groups. This blog introduces the All Hands on Deck for SDG4 Toolkit. “Each … Continue reading [Blog] All hands on deck for SDG4: how to build more integrated education systems

[Article] 7 ways countries are transforming education
With just five years until 2030, the global crisis of equity and inclusion in education remains as deep as ever: 33% of students in the poorest countries are out of school, compared to 3% in the richest countries. But transforming education systems is possible, leading to economic growth and a path to peace. A new … Continue reading [Article] 7 ways countries are transforming education

[Article] New GPE KIX projects to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness
The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) has selected nine new projects from its recent call for proposals for applied research projects to generate and mobilize evidence to contextualize and scale the impact of promising or proven innovative approaches to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness. The selected projects focus on two core issues in early … Continue reading [Article] New GPE KIX projects to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness

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