
[Blog] Mapping the impact of having a disability on education outcomes
Disability is a new dimension that has been added in 2023 to the World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE), which brings together household survey and learning assessment data from over 170 countries. The database was first created in 2010 to draw attention to education inequality levels between and within countries. Read more in this blog … Continue reading [Blog] Mapping the impact of having a disability on education outcomes

[Report] Latest global report on school system vulnerability
For the third consecutive year, Save the Children has ranked 182 countries by the vulnerability of their school system to hazards that threaten children’s right to learn and against levels of preparedness for those hazards. This offers a holistic view of the risks to education and suggests which national education systems require increased resources from … Continue reading [Report] Latest global report on school system vulnerability

[Research] Disability data in schools in emergency and protracted crisis
Humanity & Inclusion implemented a research project funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) to identify a practical and reliable methodology to produce data on learners with disabilities in schools in emergencies and protracted crises. The Child Functioning Module – Teacher Version (CFM-TV) was tested and assessed for programming and monitoring use in humanitarian response. The … Continue reading [Research] Disability data in schools in emergency and protracted crisis

[Policy] Closing the funding gap on refugee education
For the world’s refugees, education is a source of opportunity and hope for a brighter future. Yet over half of all refugee children are out of school, and there is a real and present danger that a generation of refugee children will be deprived of the education they need to restore their future. Having already … Continue reading [Policy] Closing the funding gap on refugee education

[Report] Back to School 2023-2024: Report on education for children displaced by the conflict in Ukraine
The escalation of the conflict in February 2022 led to an unprecedented large-scale displacement of children and their families in Ukraine both in and abroad to countries in Europe. This World Vision Policy Brief discusses the critical role humanitarian organizations have in ensuring millions of children receive educational and mental health support critical to their … Continue reading [Report] Back to School 2023-2024: Report on education for children displaced by the conflict in Ukraine

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