EENET is part of the narrative of a decolonized system of development that is truly inclusive and responds to all needs. Here is a round-up of some articles, blogs and reports that address the inequities in the aid system and ways of moving forward.
- Lankelly Chase announce a 5-year plan to close the organisation. They recognise the traditional philanthropy model as so entangled with Colonial Capitalism that it inevitably continues the harms of the past into the present.
- InsightShare have a bottom-up financial model putting indigenous voices at the forefront of their work.
- Jindra Čekanova and Peter Kimeu from Valuing Voices offer their perspectives in this blog about who is accountable for aid and for how long.
- The Global Change Center is a South-to-South collective with expertise in participatory, emancipatory, power-aware, and bottom-up learning processes. It launched a report on equity-centered evaluation policies and practices to be used as a tool for advocacy in the decolonization discussion.