This scheme helps fund EENET’s work and brings benefits to members.

Read a summary below or download a factsheet in PDF format.

Why do we run this scheme?

NGOs and non-profits pay an annual membership fee to EENET. This money contributes to our core budget which pays for our activities around the world. The NGO Members also get benefits to support their own inclusive education work.

What EENET activities are supported by the NGO Membership Scheme?

Who is the scheme for?

The EENET NGO Membership Scheme is open to non-governmental organisations and non-profit organisations of any size in any country. NGO Members are keen to support EENET in maintaining its global inclusive education information-sharing and networking activities, and they derive direct benefits from their membership payment.

What are the benefits to you of supporting EENET?

  • visibility for your organisation as an inclusive education champion;
  • support for your staff (e.g., mentoring, advice on project proposals or specific problems);
  • improved programme effectiveness.

Planned future benefits

  • Members’ WhatsApp group (or similar): As our membership grows, we will provide updates and advice to NGO Membership Scheme members and offer a space for members to share problems and help each other.
  • Events: We will run NGO Membership Scheme meetings and webinars, offering Scheme members a chance to meet (virtually) and access learning opportunities designed specifically for them.

 How much does the NGO Membership Scheme cost?

The following figures illustrate our typical annual membership rates. However, we recognise that every organisation is in a unique position and gross income figures may not accurately reflect an organisation’s capacity to afford membership fees. We therefore discuss and agree on the membership rate with each organisation, using the following scale as guidance.

ScaleMember’s annual income (in GBP)Membership fee
1Below £1m per year£500
7Over £100m per year£5,000

What next?

To discuss joining EENET’s NGO Membership Scheme, please contact:

Ingrid Lewis, EENET’s Managing Director