We provide advice on how to prepare an article for Enabling Education Review.

What should I write about?

The latest call for articles will tell you what topics we are currently seeking articles on.

Look at previous editions of EER to get an idea of the type of articles we publish. Usually, we prefer articles that share experiences at school/community or organisational level, district level, national, regional or even international level, rather than case studies of individual people. If you are not sure what issues to focus your article on, feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas before you start writing.

When should I submit my article?

The deadlines will be shown in the call for articles. However, we often accept late submissions, so please do contact us even if you think you have missed the deadline.

How much should I write?

Here are some approximate word counts to aim for:

  • one-page article with a small photo – 500 words
  • one-page article without a photo – 600 words
  • two-page article with a small photo – 1000 words
  • two-page article without a photo – 1200 words

It is usually better to write too much than too little. We can help you edit the article so that it fits the available space without losing important information.

How should I present the article?

If you have access to a computer, your article should be emailed to us as a Word file. The text should be in Arial font, size 12pt (minimum), with the text aligned on the left (i.e. with a ragged right margin). Headings and sub-headings should be in bold. Avoid using block capitals.

Articles may also be posted to us on paper – typed or handwritten –  if you do not have access to a computer. You can also send us your article as an audio recording and we will transcribe it before reviewing and editing it.

Ideally articles should be submitted in English, but if you prefer to write in your home language that’s fine. However, it will take us longer to review and edit an article that is not submitted in English, so please try to submit your first draft as early as possible. Please note, we do our best to accommodate submissions in any language, but we cannot always guarantee being able to arrange the translation.

Write your full name, postal address, telephone number and email address at the bottom of your article. If you work for an organisation that has a website, add this too.

If possible, write a short paragraph of bibliographic information – who you work for, what your position is, what your background is, etc.

Important points to consider

Writing style

  • Keep background information (about your country, organisation, project, etc) to a minimum. You can tell readers about one or two key documents that provide additional information.
  • Do not use too many acronyms and abbreviations and make sure you explain them the first time they appear in the article.
  • Avoid using a complex, academic style of writing – keep it simple and clear.
  • Break the article into smaller sections. You can use sub-headings, quotations from other people, a text box, a diagram, etc, to break up the text.

Photographs (optional)

  • You can email us digital photos. They must be high resolution (usually the image file will need to be at least 1mb).
  • You can also send us original prints of photos by post which we can scan.
  • Please clearly label the photos so that we know who they are from, what they are showing, when/where they were taken, etc.
  • If you send us photos of people, please make sure that these people (or their carers) have given their permission for their image to be printed. This is particularly important if you are sending us photographs of children.
  • We will not always use the photos, especially if we are short of space, or if the content or quality of the photos is not suitable.
  • Let us know if you want us to return your printed photos to you.

Using case studies and naming people

  • If you include a short case study, or if you name an individual in your article, please make sure you seek their permission before sending us your article. You could also consider changing the names of any individuals you write about, to protect their identity. EENET will not print articles or photos if we are worried that any individuals may not have given their permission.


Will my article definitely be published?

EENET is committed to enabling different writers from around the world to see their work in print. We also must ensure that EER contains interesting, well-written articles which correspond with our overall beliefs about inclusive education. Sometimes, we reject articles which contain inappropriate subject material. However, if you are not a confident writer, don’t be put off – if you have an interesting story to tell, EENET can give you advice on how to improve your article.

If we receive too many articles, we may not be able to print them all in the space available. However, we may publish surplus articles on the website instead.

To submit your articles or to ask any questions, contact:

Su Corcoran or Ingrid Lewis (EER editors)
P.O. Box 422
SK14 9DT

Tel/SMS: +44 (0)7929 326 564

Email: info@eenet.org.uk or ingridlewis@eenet.org.uk

You can find examples of previous editions of EER on this website, or contact us to request some printed copies.