[Advocacy] Hear Us. See Us. Voices of Gaza’s education stakeholders

EENET is documenting and amplifying the voices of Gaza’s educators and learners.

Across Gaza, educators, learners, their families and communities live under constant bombardment from Israeli occupying forces. They are displaced, hungry and denied basic healthcare.

In addition to committing genocide against Gaza’s people, Israel is committing ‘educide’ / ‘scholasticide’ against Gaza’s entire education system. Almost all schools and universities have been damaged or destroyed. Hundreds of teachers and thousands of learners have been killed.

For most Gazans now, participating in or delivering education has become an impossible dream, although some educators and learners have continued to seek small opportunities.

Read their stories on our Hear Us See Us webpage and on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

Social media graphic that says: Hear Us. See Us. Voices of Gaza's educators and learners. Plus EENET logo.

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