
[Report] World Bank study looks into inclusive education approaches

The World Bank funded study and report ‘Approaches to Deliver Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia‘ presents a review of different approaches in service delivery being implemented in the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to ensure the inclusion of children with disabilities in education.

The review examines in what ways (and the extent to which) different approaches have been operationalized and contextualized to enable the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream education systems, focusing specifically on primary schooling.




[UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!

In July GPE youth leaders continue to show their dedication to education funding remaining a priority around the world.

Youth leader Asimawu (Ghana) hosted an episode of Raise Your Hand Live! featuring Alicia Herbert OBE (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office) and Dr. Maliha Khan (Women Deliver); Marina (Japan) spoke at the Japan Educational Forum; Motunrayo (Nigeria), Seme (South Sudan), María José (Guatemala), Ayesha (Bangladesh)

You can also read the youth-led open letter to UK political parties calling for a commitment to ‘protect, prioritize and increase funding to education globally’.

[Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics

Check out the new translated articles below:

In Arabic:

نموذج صندوق الرمل: منهج جديد نحو التكرار أثناء تنفيذ برنامج للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ في لبنان أثناء جائحة كوفيد-

The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic

and in Spanish@:

Mejorar la salud socioemocional: Ampliación del bienestar de docentes y estudiantes durante la crisis del COVID-19 en Honduras

Improving Social-Emotional Health: Expansion of Teacher and Student Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Crisis in Honduras.


[Conference] The inclusive lifelong learning conference calls for better learning ecosystems

The Inclusive Lifelong Learning conference drew to a close in July 2023 and participants overwhelmingly called for the promotion of inclusive lifelong learning ecosystems that effectively cater to the needs of all learners, especially vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities.

Through the Bali Manifesto, the conference’s outcome document, they called for the implementation of comprehensive lifelong learning policies, and the creation of inclusive learning spaces, curricula, learning pathways and learning materials. They emphasized the importance of increased public investment in lifelong learning.

Read more about the conference and manifesto on the website.

[Advocacy] Join the #ImALifelongLearner campaign!

Show the world that you believe in the transformative power of learning. Join the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) campaign and tell everyone why you are a lifelong learner.

By supporting UIL’s campaign, you are endorsing the view that the #RightToEducation pertains to all ages. Support the paradigm shift in learning and education systems to ensure people of all ages, from all backgrounds, can access the knowledge they need to lead decent lives and promote sustainable development.

How to get involved:

  • Upload a photo of yourself on the campaign platform and add a sentence explaining why you are a lifelong learner;
  • Use the ‘share’ function on the platform to share your photo and statement on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, using the hashtag #ImALifelongLearner;
  • Tag people in your network who support lifelong learning for all so they, too, can join the movement.

[Report] 2023 GEM Report just out ~ read it here!

The sixth Global Education Monitoring Report, Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? has been released alongside 20 background papers and more than 200 PEER country profiles on laws and policies on technology in education.

The report states that regulations for technology set outside of the education sector will not necessarily cover education’s needs. The focus should be on learning outcomes, not digital inputs. To help improve learning, digital technology should be not a substitute for but a complement to face-to-face interaction with teachers.

It is released alongside a #TechOnOurTerms campaign, calling for decisions about technology in education to prioritize learner needs after assessing whether its application would be appropriate, equitable, evidence-based and sustainable.

[Project] Reducing violence in schools – CARING project kicks off in Bucharest

Following the successful completion of the REVIS – REsponding to VIolence against children in Schools and adjacent settings project, the work on reducing violence in schools continues in a new project: CARING – Challenging social and gender norms to reduce violence against children in school.

The CARING project, running from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2025, is co-funded by the European Union, and is coordinated by Terre des Hommes Romania.

The project’s overall ambition is to decrease gender-based violence (GBV) in the 32 participating schools in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Greece.

This is to be achieved by equipping around 1200 facilitators, school staff and management, parents, as well as youth with increased awareness of harmful social and gender norms and behaviors, as well as knowledge on how to challenge them and to promote positive ones.

Follow the project and its progress on the ChildHub website.

[Training] Teaching Deaf Children – Deaf Child Worldwide, 4-7 September

Dates: 4-7 September 2023.

Time: 11:00 – 13:00 BST.

Location: Online.

  • How does deafness impact language acquisition?
  • How do you make schools and classrooms deaf-friendly?
  • How do deaf children learn, and what teaching styles and lesson adaptations work well?

DCW’s Teaching Deaf Children course will cover all of these subjects and more. There is no cost for this course but places are capped at 20. Attendees must meet certain criteria to be admitted.

Find out more and apply.

[Podcast] Behind the Pages interview with EENET’s Su Lyn Corcoran

Behind the Pages is a podcast from the INEE-NYU Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) and features interviews with authors about innovative approaches and the progress and challenges of delivering education to some of the world’s most underrepresented populations.

On this episode of Behind the Pages, Su Lyn Corcoran and Jean-Benoît Falisse discuss takeaways from their research for education policy, including insights on teachers’ pay and working conditions, programming to support students with disabilities, and remote learning during COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Syria. Both pieces of research were published in JEiE Vol. 8, No. 3 – Special Issue on Education in Pandemics (December 2022).

Behind the Pages is available on the INEE website and wherever you get your podcasts.

[Report] Arabic translation of EENET’s research article on home learning in DRC and Syria

It’s here!

The Arabic translation of our very own research article, “Home Learning for Children in Low-Income Contexts during a Pandemic: An Analysis of 2020 Survey Results from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” is now available for download.

During the school closures of COVID-19, EENET and Norwegian Association of Disabled developed guidance materials for all learners that encouraged appropriate, achievable, and low-stress learning activities in easy-to-read and visual formats, which are now available in online and printed formats. These materials were informed by an online survey that captured a snapshot of the extent to which home learning support and resources were provided, and recorded the perspectives of parents, families, and education professionals about learners’ situations in 27 countries in the months leading up to July 2020.

In this article, we focus on survey responses from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and northern Syria describing the inclusive home learning provision available during the COVID-19 school closures. We compared these findings with responses from other countries and identified four key areas of learning that emphasize the importance of localized approaches to inclusive education, drawing on community networks, and positioning teachers and parents as important community resources for education in emergencies.

Feel free to share the articles in Arabic, English, and French with your personal and professional networks!