
**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: Deaf Child Worldwide – The impact of the pandemic – 17 May 2022

Date: 17 May 2022

Time: 11.00AM (BST)

Deaf Child Worldwide: “Two years on: The impact of the pandemic on children in the developing world.”

DCW will lead a discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on deaf children in the developing world. Presenters from Zimbabwe, Uganda and India will outline how restrictions affected deaf children in their countries, with examples of what organisations on the ground did to help children and their families. Participants will look at the needs of deaf children at different ages and stages of life, and what must be urgently done to ensure they don’t suffer further losses

Please see the website to register and for further information.

‘Transforming Education’ Summit set for September 2022

‘Education is “key to resolving many of the global and local challenges we face – UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres

The UN Secretary-General has announced he will convene a summit on Transforming Education in September 2022. The summit is proposed in the ‘Our Common Agenda,’ report as part of the focus on better representing young people and future generations.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said the Summit will have the aims of “averting a generational catastrophe and rethinking education systems.” She said learners must be equipped with skills and knowledge to excel in a rapidly changing world.

Please see the TES website for more information.

**Deadline expired** Share your views in May 2022 for a new ‘Chance for Childhood’ research project!

Researchers from Chance for Childhood, Keep your shoes dirty, Manchester Metropolitan University and StreetInvest are collaborating on a research project to explore the different ways that organisations working with street-connected children and youth support their access to education and training.

They are inviting staff from organisations working with street-connected children and youth to tell them about how they enable these children’s access to education and training.

If you are interested in contributing please complete a questionnaire that contains a series of open and closed questions about how your organisation enables street-connected children’s access to education and training.

If you are interested in taking part in an online focus group in May/June to share and discuss experiences of how organisations enable access to education for street-connected children, please fill in the online form.

If you want to know more about the project, please send an email to:

**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: INEE School leadership and governance crisis contexts

Date: Wednesday 13 April 2022
Time: 10am UTC-5 (Bogota) | 3pm UTC (Dakar) | 8pm UTC+5 (Islamabad)

The INEE Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Collaborative comes together with the LEGO Foundation, Education International, Oxfam, and the UNESCO International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 to support a Call to Action to transform sector-wide support to teachers in crisis contexts.

INEE invite participants to join a webinar on ‘School Leadership and Governance in Crisis Contexts: Sharing good practice, lessons learned and opportunities for change’

This webinar is the fourth and final in a series to contribute to a growing evidence base on how to improve the ways that we support teachers through prioritizing school leadership policies and practices. School leaders are a vital part of the school ecology. They are key to providing quality, equitable education and improving the school climate for all teachers and students so children and youth are better able to learn.

To register please the website.

N.B. This web event will be conducted in English with closed captioning in English

**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: Building resilience in conflict through education – 06 April 2022

Date: 06 April 2022

Time: 2.00pm – 3.00pm UTC

The Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) invites participants to a webinar:

‘Accelerated Education: Lessons Learned from South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo’

The webinar focuses on findings from a study that the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) conducted in DRC, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, where multi-year education projects are being funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (INTPA) under its Building Resilience in Conflict through Education (BRICE) initiative.

The webinar will discuss key findings from the study, as well as innovative interventions in South Sudan, include with secondary schools and pastoralist communities.

Please see the website to register.

N.B. This web event will be conducted in English with closed captioning in English

INEE Launch: ‘Teacher Wellbeing’ mapping report in Arabic, French, Spanish

INEE have recently launched their Teacher Wellbeing Tools & Resources Mapping and an accompanying gap analysis report in Arabic, French, and Spanish.

These two publications are part of a larger project, funded by Education Cannot Wait, to develop a Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit in order to support EiE practitioners to meet the needs of teachers in their local context. Building on the previous work of the INEE Teachers in Crisis Context Collaborative and the Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning Collaborative, the mapping and gap analysis report highlight extant tools and resources that support teacher wellbeing, while providing a set of recommendations for future tool and resource development.

These resources are now available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. Portuguese will be coming soon.

* FREE * Short online courses from EENET

EENET has released 4 short online inclusive education courses based on our Inclusive Beginnings videos.

Two courses will help you learn about ‘inclusive practice in early childhood education’ and ‘inclusive transitions’. Two other courses provide some advice on how to use videos effectively in training and advocacy events.

The courses are available to everyone, anytime, free of charge. Everyone who finishes a course will get a certificate. There are also some WhatsApp groups for course participants to share ideas and experiences.

Snapshot of the 4 courses listed on the LearnLink home page.

**Deadline expired** Young Writers’ Competition: Deadline 31st March 2022

Deadline: 31st March 2022

The Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) and UNICEF have launched an advocacy project dubbed #Inclusive Young Voices (#IYV).  Part of it is the ‘Become An Agent of Change Young Writers Competition’ which provides an opportunity for children and youths with disabilities to use their writing talents to highlight and discuss issues that matter to them.

It’s not too late to enter the competition if you’re aged between 15 and 24 years in any of the 16 SADC countries and have any form of disability. Find out more on the SAFOD website.

All winning entries will also be published in an e-book anthology and promoted on  social media.

Email your entry to: