**Deadline expired** [Job]: Education Advisor – Save the Children
Children & Young People Now Awards November 2022 – enter NOW
The Children & Young People Now Awards offer an opportunity to celebrate hard work and raise the profile of projects and initiatives to potential funders as well as the general public in the UK.
2022 Categories
- The Early Years Award
- The Play Award
- The Youth Work Award
- The Youth Volunteering and Social Action Award
- The Learning Award
- The Advice and Guidance Award
- The Young Carers Award
- The Leaving Care Award
- The Mental Health and Wellbeing Award
- The Early Intervention Award
- The Safeguarding Award
- The Children in Care Award
- The Youth Justice Award
- The Family Support Award
- The PSHE Education Award
- NEW – The Pandemic Response Award
- Children and Young People’s Champion
- The Children’s Achievement Award
- The Partnership Working Award
- The Workforce Development Award
- The Public Sector Children’s Team Award
- The Children and Young People’s Charity Award
- The Arts and Culture Award
Act now and enter before the entry deadline on Friday 24th June.
**Deadline expired** SEND summit -Last chance for early bird discount! Apply by Friday 27th May
The SEND Summit takes place in central London on 29th June 2022 for all professionals who work alongside children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
The early bird rate expires this Friday 27th May.
Delegates will gain advice and insight on key areas including:
- Key changes ushered in by the SEND green paper and the impact on practice
- Ofsted’s plans to update the SEND framework, and what inspectors will be looking at
- The impact of the pandemic on children and young people with SEND, and some priorities to support recovery and renewal
- Five key approaches that can be integrated into day-to-day teaching practice to raise attainment among those with additional needs as well as their classmates
- Navigating the various structures of support for care-experienced children with SEND, to enable positive outcomes
Secure your place by Friday 27th May to take advantage of the early bird rate!
EENET is 25 years old… and we have a new logo!
EENET is 25 years old!
If you have any stories please do email them to us at or check out our contact page for more ways to share!

INEE launches a Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings
INEE has recently launched a new Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings.
This publication is part of a larger project, funded by Education Cannot Wait, to develop a Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit in order to meet the needs of teachers in their local context.
The guidance note is aligned with the INEE Minimum Standards, and it puts the wellbeing of teachers at the center of response and recovery efforts in conflict and crisis affected settings. Not just because an investment in teachers is an investment in children and adolescents, but because, at this moment in history, teachers deserve our unparalleled attention as an end unto itself.
The recommendations contained in this tool set forth and define a benchmark for teacher wellbeing; a standard of care and recognition that every teacher – regardless of where they live and work – should expect from the government and humanitarian architecture and communities that support them.
This new guidance note is a free and open source and should be contextualized for use in alignment with local needs, norms, and values.
New report on cash assistance for disabled children in EIE
The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team launched the research report “The Role of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Increasing Equity and Inclusion for Girls and Children with Disabilities in Education in Emergencies” produced by CGA Technologies under the direct supervision of World Vision on behalf of the Task Team.
The webinar, which took place virtually on Thursday May 5th, from 14:00-15:15 CET, was hosted by UNICEF and moderated by Emilia Sorrentino (Education in Emergencies Advisor, Plan International, and co-chair of the GEC Task team). CGA Technologies along with World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and UNICEF presented two case studies included in the report based on their programmes in Kenya and Syria.
Call fo**Deadline expired** Articles – Enabling Education Review – Issue 11 (Deadline 30 June 2022)
The COVID-19 pandemic turned education upside down during much of 2020 and 2021. Schools have reopened in most places, but our education systems will never be the same again. We all experienced not just disruption and challenges but innovations and achievements that can shape the future of education for the better.
The theme for the 2022 edition of Enabling Education Review will be:
“Inclusion in the new normal”
The deadline for submitting first drafts of articles is 30 June 2022. Details of suggested topics and how to submit articles are provided below.
Contact with any questions and your submissions.
We want to share your experiences of transitions back into school, what the situation is like in the ‘new normal’, and what we have learned that could help us rebuild education systems better and more inclusively. For example:
- What has been done to support learners transitioning back into schools?
- How have approaches to teaching and learning changed because of the pandemic?
- As a teacher, what did you do to reach and support all your learners when schools reopened? What challenges and opportunities have you experienced? Who has helped you?
- How have adaptations to the new normal been financed and managed, and by whom?
- As a parent/caregiver/learner, how have you advocated at the local or national level for approaches to education to be more inclusive after schools re-opened?
- For learners who were already learning at home before the pandemic, how has their home learning been affected (positively or negatively) by the changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic?
- How has the pandemic affected the mental and physical well-being of learners, parents, families, and teachers? What has been done to support them?
- What lessons have we learned that we could use to improve the design and inclusivity of education systems long term?
**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: Able Child Africa ‘Investing money in children with disabilities’ – 26 May 2022
Date: 26 May 2022
Time: 10.30 GMT
Join Able Child Africa for the fifth live event in their Momentum series.
This event is hosted by Lauren Watters, Head of Programmes and Advocacy at Able Child Africa and will discuss how disability-inclusive programming can provide value for money for NGOs and donors.
To register please visit the event website.
Please contact with any questions.

Register now! – Inclusive Beginnings online courses
During 2020 and 2021 EENET used a grant from OSF to develop 4 online courses called Inclusive Beginnings. The online courses are available free-of-charge on EENET’s LearnLink platform.
‘Inclusive Beginnings’ courses:
- Inclusive practice – you will learn about making pre-school teaching and learning environments and practices more inclusive. Many of the ideas are relevant for primary schools too.
- Inclusive transition – you will earn about supporting learners when they transition between classes or levels.
‘Versatile Videos’ courses
- Training – you will explore simple ways to use videos during inclusive education training workshops.
- Advocacy – you will look at how to use videos within your inclusive education advocacy activities.
All 4 courses involve light reading, watching short video clips, and doing fun activities, and you will get a certificate for completing each course.
All 4 courses involve light reading, watching short video clips, and doing fun activities, and you will get a certificate for completing each course.
Enjoy the new courses!