
** Deadline expired ** PPP Policy & Development Officer Inclusive Education – Humanity & Inclusion USA

Location: Washington DC – USA.

Application deadline: 13th June 2021.

Apply and find out more information.

HI (Humanity & Inclusion) is an independent and impartial organisation that offers aid and development in situations of poverty, conflict, and disaster. They help meet the essential needs of people with disabilities, improve their living conditions, and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights by working alongside them.

HI is looking for a Policy and Development Officer to be a member of the Inclusive Education (IE) team that will help with the development of new projects (specifically, larger scale projects). You would bring new skills and expertise to the IE area that is expanding, and support the expanding of new associations; especially in terms of partners and donors based in North America. Developing HI’s expertise on Technical Assistance, in terms of for the IE field, is also a specific focus with this job role. You will work closely with the other members of the IE team but will lead the overall business development aspect.

This is a full-time position with regular international travel (as long as covid restrictions permit).

Online children’s disability arts festival

Date: 14-18 June.

Host: A New Direction.

Register online.

`I Am Festival` is a yearly celebration that empowers D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse young people to explore their creativity. A range of artistic contributions from creative partners and disabled-led arts organisations will be showcased over the 4 days, along with live events and exclusive premieres. The event will take place online and in schools, with the welcoming talk starting online at 9:30am on the 14 June. The pupils and teachers in A New Direction’s SEND Network have been focusing on the theme of `love` this year in schools, and this festival will be presenting what `love` means to the young people involved. All of the online events are free, enabling easy access for all those wanting to take part.

CoSP14 side-event: “One pandemic, different realities”

Date: Wednesday 16 June.

Time: 8:30 to 9:45am EDT/ 14:30 to 15:45 CEST. 

Register online.  

Read more information. 

This side event will aim to provide guidelines to local, national, and international stakeholders that are based on lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to support their recovery and help them build sustainable resilience to any shocks to them in the future. It will also focus on reflecting on how people with disabilities will access vaccinations. 


  • Dr. Amita Bhakta, Consultant, IDDC
  • Dominic Haslam, Chair, IDDC
  • Elham Youssefian, Inclusive Humanitarian Action and DRR Advisor, IDA
  • Dorodi Sharma, Inclusive Development Officer, IDA
  • Rejaul Karim Siddiquee, OPD Engagement Officer for Bangladesh, IDA
  • Speaker from Disability Inclusion Helpdesk, part of the Inclusive Futures (IF) Programme funded by the FCDO
  • Ola Abu Alghaib, Manager, Technical Secretariat UNPRPD MPTF
  • Representative from FCDO (TBC)

** Deadline expired ** Consultancy: Revision of Special Education and Development Needs Assessment Toolkit – UNICEF, Armenia

Application deadline: 26 May 2021.

UNICEF Armenia has published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an institutional consultancy on technical support to the Republican Pedagogical Psychological Center (RPPC) for Revision of the Special Education and Development Needs Assessment Toolkit.

Read the full Request for Proposals.



* Reminder * EER 9 on ‘Inclusive early childhood development and education’ now available

Don’t forget to have a look at our latest edition of Enabling Education Review. The articles cover a diverse selection of examples of making early childhood education and development more inclusive for all young learners.

Featured countries include:

England, Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia.

Read EER9 in HTML format or in PDF format.

Call for Articles: Enabling Education Review Issue 10, 2021

Over the last year we have all found ourselves in an unusual situation. Our theme for the next edition therefore draws on the work being done to support children’s learning as we have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures. It will also look at the broader context of what it means to learn at home.

The theme for the 2021 edition of Enabling Education Review will be:

“Home learning”

The deadline for submitting first drafts of articles is 31 March 2021. Details of suggested topics and how to submit articles are provided in the full call for articles.

Call for Articles (Arabic).

Contact with any questions.

Call for Articles: Enabling Education Review, Issue 10, 2021

Over the last year we have all found ourselves in an unusual situation. Our theme for the next edition therefore draws on the work being done to support children’s learning as we have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures. It will also look at the broader context of what it means to learn at home.

The theme for the 2021 edition of Enabling Education Review will be:

 “Home learning”

The deadline for submitting first drafts of articles is 31 March 2021. *EXTENSION – new deadline now 30 April 2021*

Details of suggested topics and how to submit articles are provided below.

Contact with any questions.


Why have we chosen this topic?

Many children learned at home before the COVID-19 pandemic for various reasons. For example, they may have been denied access to school, or their parents may have chosen home schooling as their preferred approach. Plus of course most children experience a great deal of informal learning at home, even if they also go to school.

Learning at home has often been seen as separate from mainstream education and not part of the movement towards inclusive education. EENET has always argued that, with the right strategies, approaches and support in place, learning at home can be considered an integral contribution to an inclusive education system.

Over the last year, COVID-19 school closures meant millions of children suddenly had to learn at home, and their teachers and education ministries had to work out how to facilitate that. One of the biggest challenges has been ensuring that learning at home is inclusive of every learner.

In early 2020 EENET, through our partnership with Norwegian Association of Disabled, launched a project to explore home learning and the education experiences of stakeholders during the widespread lockdowns. Using evidence from a survey, we developed a home learning guidance poster and booklet for families. These resources recognise that home education can be extremely stressful for learners and families, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. They also show that home learning is always relevant, whether or not schools are open, and we can do more to weave effective learning at home into high quality inclusive education systems.

What has been your experience as a teacher, parent, family member, learner, or other stakeholder involved in education? Was home learning a new experience for you during the pandemic, or is it something you have been involved with for a long time? How do you cope with or support learning at home? What works well and what is challenging? What support did or do you receive, or would you like to receive?


What could you write about?

There are many aspects of home learning that you could write about, including but not limited to:

  • What has been done to ensure emergency-response or long-term home learning initiatives promote inclusion and are inclusive for all learners?
  • How are inclusive home learning initiatives financed and managed?
  • As a parent/caregiver/learner – how have you advocated at the local or national level for home learning provision to be more inclusive.
  • As a teacher – what did you do to reach and support all your learners when schools were closed? What problems did you solve to help you reach and support more/all learners? Who helped you?
  • For learners who were already learning at home before the pandemic, how has their home learning been affected (positively or negatively) by the changes in the education system resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How have approaches to learning changed as a result of responsibility for learning shifting heavily onto parents and families for prolonged periods?
  • How does home learning affect the mental and physical well-being of learners, parents, families, and teachers?
  • What lessons have we learned from the COVID-19 home learning experiences that we could use to improve the design and inclusivity of education systems long term?

Enabling Education Review helps people share and learn from each other’s experiences. We therefore welcome articles that offer practical insights, to help others who are looking for ideas that they can adapt and try. We like articles that provide a little background to the context, project or programme, and then explain in more detail the activities that happened (what, where, when, with or by whom, and why). We also like to read about the results, if possible.

For more information on how you can submit an article please download the full call for articles.

Call for Articles (Arabic).

Youth webinar series on the futures of education, UNESCO, 11 and 19 March 2021

This webinar series, co-organized with the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, addresses broad questions around young people’s views on the possible and fundamental transformations in how societies, politics, economies and cultures may be organized in the future, and more specifically, how education systems and schooling may look like.


Technology and the futures of education

This webinar will discuss the different ways technology can help advance the sustainable development agenda and particularly education, aiming to contribute to more equitable and inclusive education systems

Date: Thursday, 11 March, 15:00-16:30 Paris time.

Register online.


The futures of education for persons with disabilities

This webinar will discuss effective practices and inclusive policies for learners with disabilities and learning difficulties, exchange experiences, and identify necessary transformations for education systems in the future

Date: Friday, 19 March, 15:00-16:30 Paris time.

Register online.

** Deadline expired ** Global Technical Lead – Inclusive Teaching and Learning, Sightsavers

Location: UK / flexible.

Application deadline: 14 March 2021.

Read the full job details.

Sightsavers is looking for a Global Technical Lead, Inclusive Teaching and Learning with disability expertise to promote inclusive teaching and learning for children, youth, and adults with disabilities in education systems in West Africa, East, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA), and South Asia.

** Deadline expired ** Consultancy to write inclusive education proposal, Bangladesh, Humanity & Inclusion

Read the full terms of reference.

USAID is expected to release a call for proposals for an inclusive education project (Shobai Miley Pori :“Everyone Reads Together”). A Humanity and Inclusion-led consortium seeks to hire a consultant to support the proposal writing process based on Shobai Miley Pori anticipated priorities and building upon partners previous experience.

It is anticipated this consultancy will require 15 days of work before the end of February 2021.

Read the full terms of reference.