
** Deadline expired ** Coordinateur de programme et campagne education multi-acteur – Senegal

Figure recherchée : Coordinateur de programme et campagne éducation multi-acteur.

Destination : Sénégal.

Lieux de travail : Dakar avec mission à Sedhiou, Kolda, Kaolack et Kaffrine.

Salaire : en fonction de l’expérience.

Durée du contrat : 12 mois (renouvelable).

Départ : Novembre-Décembre 2020.


Les candidatures doivent être envoyées avant le 30 Octobre 2020.


Read the full details in PDF format..

** Deadline Expired ** Senior Consultant – Inclusive Education

Application deadline: 1 November 2020.

Read the full application details.

Oxford Policy Management’s education portfolio is recruiting a talented and dynamic senior consultant to lead its work in the area of inclusive education. This role is based in either Oxford, Islamabad or Delhi on a permanent basis.

The Senior Consultant will have several strands of responsibilities which will include developing and leading the inclusive education technical area; setting its strategic technical direction and associated budget; recruiting, managing and achieving objectives for project impact and financial viability; project acquisition; learning, influencing, and team building; and maintaining an active personal practice of high level consulting engagements.

Specialisms will include several, if not all, of following areas: girls’ education; special needs education; education in emergencies; access to quality education; out-of-school children.

** Deadline expired ** Senior Policy Adviser: Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education – Sightsavers

Application deadline: 11 October 2020.

Read the full job details.

Sightsavers is looking for a Senior Policy Adviser to lead its policy influencing on social inclusion and inclusive education as part of the Policy and Global Advocacy Directorate. The post-holder will also be responsible for managing two Policy Officers (Social Inclusion and Inclusive Education respectively). The role is normally based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex but is anticipated to be home-based for the foreseeable future.


Webinar launch of ‘The Bedrock of Inclusion’, 5 October 2020

Date: Monday 5 October 2020 – World Teachers’ Day.

Time: 12:00 GMT.

To celebrate World Teachers’ Day, ActoinAid, Light for the World and Education International invite you to take part in an interactive webinar to launch a new multi-country study – The Bedrock of Inclusion – which outlines why investing in teachers and education support personnel is critical to delivering inclusive education an achieving SDG4. The study presents findings from Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania.

Register online.

How to learn at home with your deaf child

This short, easy-to-read leaflet from Deaf Child Worldwide provides advice for parents and caregivers who are supporting their children to learn at home. It emphasises a very important message “Don’t worry about trying to recreate school at home. Think about creating an environment where your child can learn in a natural way.”

‘How to learn at home with your deaf child’ is available to download in PDF format.

An additional document ‘Activities to help you learn at home with your deaf child’ is also available.

البدايات الشاملة للجميع: أدلة وأفلام تدريبية

البدايات الشاملة للجميع”: آخر اصدارت شبكة تمكين التعليم EENET وهو مورد تدريبي عبر إستخدام تقنية الفيديو. 

هل سمحت لكم الفرصة لمشاهدة أفلام الشبكة التدريبية الأخيرة؟!

اذا لم تتمكنوا من المشاهدة، اذاً لدينا بعض الأخبار والمعلومات التي نود مشاركتها معكم عن هذة الافلام، ما هي هذه الافلام وما هي السياقات التي تمت فيها عملية التصوير؟


لدينا اثنين من الفيدوهات. كلهما يركزان على التعلم والنماء في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة.

تساعد هذة الافلام المعلمين والمُعلمات على التعلم عن الأمور التالية:

  • الممارسات الشاملة لجميع المتعلمين والمتعلمات في بيئات الطفولة المبكرة.
  • الانتقالات الشاملة بين الفترات التعليمية.

يمكن زيارة قائمة الأفلام “البديات الشاملة للجميع” عبر قناة شبكة تمكين التعليم عبر اليوتيوب للتمكن من مشاهدة إثنين من الافلام التدريبية وكذلك مادة ترويجية قصيرة للافلام مكونة من دقيقتين (متاحة باللغة العربية عبر النقر على زر CC واختبار اللغة العربية).

نعمل على اتاحة هذه الافلام التدريبية بلغات مختلفة عبر توفير ترجمات الي (العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية والبرتغالية والبرتغالية البرازيلية والروسية والسواحيلية والأوكرانية). بعضها متاح حالياً.

الأدلة التدريبية: 

 تستعرض مقاطع الفيديو رسائل تأسيسية مفيدة وهامة حول تعليم وتنمية الطفولة المبكرة ولكن في حال الرغبة لاستخدام هذة الافلام لأغراض التدريب أو المناصرة، فإن الأدلة التدريبية تقدم أفكارًا نوعية وجيدة.

تتكون الرزمة التدريبية من:

  • المقدمة
  • الممارسات الجامعة في سیاق التعلیم والنماء في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة: دلیل المدرب أوالمدربة.
  • الانتقالات الجامعة: دلیل المدرب أو المدربة
  • بدایات شاملة للجمیع: دلیل المناصرة عبر تقنیة الفیدیو.

 بالامكان الحصول على الادلة التدريبية من موقع شبكة تمكين التعليم اللإلكتروني EENET باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية.

نسخ مطبوعة (ورقية):

تتوفر الأدلة التدريبية والفيديوهات ايضاً بشكل مادي في حال عدم توفر خدمة الانترنت حيث نوفر المواد مطبوعة وورقية. يمكن زيارة متجر شبكة تمكين التعليم اللإلكتروني لطلب المواد:

  • الأدلة التدريبية الأربعة مطبوعة ورقياً
  • ذاكرة تخزين (قلم يو اس بس) وتحتوي على الادلة التدريبية مطبوعة وكذلك الافلام التدريبية. وذلك تحتوى ذاكرة التخزين على الأدلةالتدريبية والافلام من مشروع الشبكة السابق بعنوان “يوم تعليمي”

عند استخدام المتجر اللالكتروني عبر الإنترنت لطلب المواد، سيُطلب منكم دفع تكاليف البريد.  إذا كنت تعيش وتعمل في بلد منخفض أومتوسط ​​الدخل، فقد تكون مؤهلاً للحصول على رسوم بريد مجانية.  أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى وسنعمل على المساعدة في الطلب دون دفع تكاليف البريد.

التغذية الراجعة:

نود الإستماع الي آرائكم حول مقاطع الفيديو والأدلة التدريبية، وكيف تخططون الي إستخدامها وتكييفها مع سياقكم التعليمي الخاص.  يرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني بتعليقاتك، أو ترك تعليقات على اليوتيوب YouTube.

 لا تتردد في مشاركة مقاطع الفيديو والأدلة التدريبية مع زملائكم وشركائكم.

EENET has a new telephone number

Please note that our main telephone number has changed.

Our new number is: +44 (0)330 058 3339

Feel free to call us:

  • with queries about inclusive education;
  • for help finding resources on our website;
  • for help with ordering items from our online shop;
  • to discuss any of our past or current projects;
  • to discuss your ideas or requirements for consultancy services.

If we can’t take your call, please leave a voice message with your name, email address and telephone number and we’ll get back to you.

You can of course also email us at or message us via our social media pages or via the website contact form.

Inclusive Beginnings: EENET’s latest video-based training resource

Have you watched our new videos yet?!

If not, here’s a quick guide to the new resources – what they’re about and where to find them.


We have 2 new videos. Both focus on inclusive early childhood development and education. They help educators learn about:

  • Inclusive practice in early childhood settings
  • Inclusive transition.

Visit the Inclusive Beginnings playlist on EENET’s YouTube channel to watch the 2 complete films and a 2-minute promotional video.

We will soon have subtitles for the videos in 9 languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Swahili and Ukrainian). Some are available already.


The videos offer useful foundational messages on their own, but if you want to use them for training or advocacy then the manuals provide ideas. The package consists of:

  • Introduction
  • Inclusive practice trainers’ manual
  • Inclusive transition trainers’ manual
  • Guide to using the videos for advocacy.

Download these manuals from EENET’s website in English and Arabic.

Hard copies

If you need to be able to use the videos and manuals offline, we have free hard copies available. Visit EENET’s online shop to order:

  • Printed manuals – all 4 documents are presented in a ring binder;
  • USB flashdrive – this contains the ECDE videos and manuals, plus the videos and manuals from our previous video training project, ‘An Inclusive Day’.

When you use the online shop you will be asked to pay postage costs. If you live and work in a low- or middle-income country you may be eligible for free postage. Email and we’ll help you order without paying postage costs.


We would love to know what you think of the videos and manuals, and how you use and adapt them in your own context. Please email us your feedback, or leave comments on YouTube.

Please feel free to share the videos and manuals with your colleagues and partners.

Inclusive home learning activities – new resource

Through EENET’s partnership with Norwegian Association of Disabled, and working with partners in Zambia and Zanzibar, we have just published a set of 34 fun learning activities that children with and without disabilities and their families can do at home, any time.

The home learning activities can be downloaded as a complete package in PDF format, in English Kiswahili, Nyanja and Tonga.

Cover page of home learning activities package, includes image of child watering a plant with woman next to them, talking.

There is also an online activity search to help you and your children choose activities. You can select indoor or outdoor activities. You can choose whether or not you want activities that use pens and paper or other local material. And you can choose which age group the activity is suitable for and whether the child will need a lot or a little help from an adult or older sibling.

Each activity contains instructions, an indication of which age group it is suitable for and how much assistance the child may need, a summary of what the child will learn and practice during the activity, and suggestions for different ways to do the activity to suit different needs and abilities.

Printed copies are being distributed to families and schools by the partners in Zambia and Zanzibar. We will soon have a few printed copies available for you to order through EENET’s shop too, so keep an eye on the news page.

If you are thinking that home learning will soon be unnecessary as schools start to re-open following Covid-19 related closures, we invite you to read our brief reflections on inclusive home learning – during and after Covid-19 and a longer blog on this topic.

The latest collection of home learning activities complements the home learning poster that was published recently. Don’t forget to download it or order your free printed copy.

Schools are re-opening – but this is not the end of learning at home

EENET’s latest blog post is taken from a presentation given by Ingrid Lewis at a GIZ webinar in July 2020. Reflecting on this year’s Covid-19 pandemic and the unprecedented mass closure of schools globally, the blog shares some thoughts on how we should now position home learning in the discussions on rebuilding and improving education systems. The blog draws on EENET’s recent experience of developing home learning support resources with partners in Zambia and Zanzibar.