
The Inclusion, Mobility and Multilingual Education Conference

This conference is taking place this week in Bangkok (24-26 September). If you are attending, we draw your attention to a presentation on Wednesday 25th on ‘The Impact of Language Barriers in Education for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh’ which discusses research by Translators without Borders that one of our consultants, Rachel Bowden, was involved in. There are many other exciting topics and initiatives being discussed too.

If you are not attending the event, you can still follow the conference social media pages to see what’s being discussed, add your thoughts to the online discussions, and find out about the post-conference publication. There is also a short pre-conference booklet which introduces key themes and provides some suggested reading on the topic of inclusion, mobility and multi-lingual education.

The conference highlights that human mobility is reaching unprecedented levels due to an increasingly mobile workforce, increased mobility for higher education, and the highest ever levels of involuntary displacement/refugees. In the Asia-Pacific region, challenges of inclusion, social cohesion and peacebuilding are raised, for both mobile populations and stable but linguistically marginalised populations, including issues of access to civic participation, justice, health and information. While more children are in school, many are still not learning, raising fundamental questions about the balance of local, national and global languages in education.

* New website section * Participatory development of teacher training

For the last few years, EENET has worked with Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) to develop and test an innovative inclusive education teacher training approach in Zambia and Zanzibar. You can now read about the project’s background and take a detailed look at the process in a dedicated new section on EENET’s website: Participatory development of teacher training. By early 2020 we hope to share the training modules under creative commons licence.

The approach has focused on working collaboratively with trainers and other key education personnel in each country to develop in-service training modules that are relevant to the context, built around action research principles, and which local trainers own and have the skills to constantly improve. By involving pre-service trainers in the process from the start, change in pre-service teacher education is also being influenced and supported.

We have also prepared a briefing paper which answers key questions about the teacher training approach.

**Deadline expired** Consultant for Inclusive Education Project, Madagascar

Application deadline: 1 October 2019.

Download full terms of reference (PDF).

The Inclusive Education Project ‘Miara-Mianatra’ is a three-year project (2018-2020) by the FLM (Malagasy Lutheran Church), supported by Norwegian Missionary Society (NMS) with funding from the Norwegian Government. It draws on FLM’s experiences in offering specialised education (since 1924) and inclusive education (since 2009) in Madagascar.

The consultancy will focus on teacher training, including improving in-service training modules and developing pre-service modules, and assisting with planning an evaluation and next project phase.

The consultancy will run until July 2020.

Please read the full terms of reference for details of the assignment, person specification, and application process.

تحديث رقم 5 : مشروع فليم شبكة تمكين التعليم حول التعليم الجامع في الطفولة المبكرة

يجري طاقم شبكة تمكين التعليم حالياً تصوير لمقاطع الفيلم الجديدة حول التعليم الجامع في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة في سوازيلاند “Swaziland” . أحد الجوانب المثيرة لمشروع هذا الفيلم هو أننا لا نوثق فقط الأفكار الجيدة لمساعدة المعلمين في السنوات الأولى على أن يصبحوا أكثر استيعابا وشمولاً بل نعمل أيضا مع الشباب من المدارس الثانوية المحلية.

نسعى لأن نبني على الدروس المستفادة من مشروع “الاستماع إلى أصوات الشباب” ” Listening to Young Voices“. يعمل المتعلمون الأكبر سنا في سوازيلاند مع متعلمين ما قبل المدرسة لمساعدتهم على التحدث عن تجاربهم في التعليم.

يساهم هذا النهج في التيسير بشكل جيد على تحفيز الأطفال الصغار على التعبير عن أنفسهم، كما أنه يساعد المتعلمين الأكبر سناً على تطوير مهارات مختلفة. من الضروري الإشارة ان تصوير الفيلم يوفر فرصة للتعليم تحدث أثناء التقاط الصور ومقاطع الفيديو. 

*نشرة جديدة * عدم التخلي عن أي طفل

اصدرت منظمة “نور من أجل العالم” ” Light for the World ” مع شركائها وبدعم من برنامج الطفولة المبكرة لمؤسسات المجتمع المفتوح ” Open Society Foundations” التقرير الموجز من دراستها الأخيرة “عدم التخلي عن أي طفل، استثمر في السنوات الأولى“. كشفت الدراسة عن الاتجاهات والالتزامات الاستراتيجية في المساعدات من أجل تنمية الطفولة المبكرة الشاملة.

وسيتاح قريبا التقرير بالكامل والمواد المرافقة له في القريب العاجل

مسابقة اليونسكو للتصوير الفوتوغرافي – للدمج والتعليم 

يعقد التقرير العالمي لرصد التعليم وفي كل عام مسابقة دولية للحصول على صور جديدة وإبداعية لاستكمال النتائج والتحليلات المبتكرة للتقرير. سيتم إعادة إنتاج المجموعة المختارة من الصور المميزة في هذا التقرير ومواد أخرى ذات صلة. 

بإمكانك الآن إرسال مُشاركاتِك إلى مسابقة اليونسكو- للتصوير الفوتوغرافي 2020 واربح جوائز نقدية تصل إلى 500 دولار أمريكي. أخر موعد لتقديم المشاركات هو 2 اكتوبر 2019.

للمزيد من المعلومات يمكنك زيارة الرابط الرسمي للمسابقة من هنا

Equality and Inclusion Conference, 28-29 November, Utrecht

Dates: 28-29 November 2019.

Venue: Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The leading question for the conference is how education practice, professional competences, local and national governance approaches, and systems of services can be improved to give all children a head start. The conference aims to provide up-to-date knowledge and facilitate exchange among professionals, policy makers and researchers, drawing upon the expertise and innovative ideas of all participants.

Visit the conference website for more details.

* New publication * Leave No Child Behind

Light for the World with its partners, supported by the Early Childhood Program of the Open Society Foundations, has launched the summary report from its recent study ‘Leave No Child Behind. Invest in the early years’. The study uncovers trends and strategic commitments in aid for inclusive early childhood development.

The full report and accompanying advocacy materials will be available soon.

EENET inclusive ECE video project – progress update 5

Filming for our new inclusive early childhood education videos is now well underway in Swaziland. One of the exciting aspects of this film-making project is that we are not just documenting good ideas to help early years educators become more inclusive. We are also working with youth from local secondary schools. We are building on the lessons learned in our Listening to Young Voices project, and now older learners in Swaziland are working with pre-school learners to help them talk about their experiences of education.

This approach to facilitation works well at stimulating young children to express themselves, and it helps the older learners develop different skills. It is very important to us that when we are filming we are not just taking away footage, but are offering learning opportunities at the same time.