An article written by members of the EENET team has just been published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education. The article is entitled: ‘Time to stop polishing the brass on the Titanic: moving beyond ‘quick-and-dirty’ teacher education for inclusion, towards sustainable theories of change’.
The article takes a critical look at the way many teacher training programmes for inclusive education are designed. It analyses some of the assumptions that are common in inclusive education training programmes, reflects on why the assumptions may not be accurate, explains the consequences of basing training programmes on inaccurate assumptions, and looks at alternative approaches.
Experiences from a teacher training programme in Zambia and Zanzibar are featured in a case study, illustrating ideas for how to move away from ‘quick-and-dirty’ training approaches towards higher quality, longer-term teacher education for inclusion.
There are 50 e-prints of the article available to download for free from the journal publisher’s website. Please feel free to get a copy.
If you do not manage to get one of these free downloads, you can also find a manuscript version of the article on EENET’s website:
Download manuscript in PDF.
Download manuscript in Word.
We hope you enjoy reading the article and please do share your thoughts on the subject of inclusive education teacher training.