
[Webinar] INEE Inclusive Education Resources – Highlights and Discussion

Date: 7 November 2024.

Time: 13:00-14:00 UTC.

Platform: Zoom.

INEE’s Inclusive Education Working Group (IEWG) is holding this virtual event to provide an overview of the Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit, Disability-inclusive Education in Emergencies report, and other resources.

The event is an opportunity to meet IEWG members and co-chairs, and INEE’s IE Coordinator, and ask questions related to the resources and work of INEE’s IEWG.

The recording of this webinar and all presentations will be posted on the INEE website. Please send any questions about the webinar to

Register to attend.

**Deadline expired** Consultant – Development of Policy Brief on Gender-Responsive Education Sector Plan, Nigeria

Location: Nigeria.

Application deadline: 30 October 2024.

Plan International is looking for a consultant to conduct research at the state level and develop a comprehensive Policy Brief on gaps and challenges in the Gender Responsive Education Sector Plan in collaboration with the Education Line Ministries and Departments, and religious and traditional leaders in Sokoto and Adamawa. S/he will present the findings to Education stakeholders for validation and adoption. The consultant is also expected to conduct a one-day dissemination of the policy brief in Adamawa and Sokoto, Nigeria.

Read more information and apply.

[Webinar] Emergent education in war zones

Date: 26 October.

Time: 15:00 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome time).

Location: Zoom.

This webinar will begin with a short presentation by ELT author and co-founder of Dogme ELT, Scott Thornbury. Scott’s talk will be followed by presentations by practising teachers in Gaza, Sudan and Ukraine who are continuing to work despite the dire situation. The webinar will end with a Q and A session.

Register online.

[Hybrid event] From Frameworks to Classrooms: A Dialogue on Inclusive Education

Date: 29 October 2024.

Time: 09:00-11:00 EST (USA).

Location: online (Zoom) or Washington D.C., USA.

Ever wondered what true inclusive education looks like? Is it just about including children with disabilities? Join the Basic Education Coalition’s Gender and Social Inclusion Working Group for a discussion on Inclusive Education. During this session, you will:

  1. Be introduced to several frameworks for thinking about inclusive education.
  2. Hear from projects that have applied these frameworks to their inclusive education programs.
  3. Have the opportunity to share your experiences, thoughts and questions.

Speakers include:

·      Suzanne Zuidema, USAID;
·      Rebecca Pagel, USAID;
·      Sandrine Bohan-Jacquot, Humanity and Inclusion;
·      Christine Tuyisenge, World Vision;
·      Edward Winter, World Vision;
·      Lucy Maina, IREX.

Register online.

[Online conference] Re-imagining Education Conference

Dates: 24-27 October 2024.

Location: Online.

Register to attend.

How can we re-imagine education with the earth?

The education system was built to feed a predatory economy that is now destroying the planet. Who still wants to be part of that? What can we learn from what has not worked? What can we do differently today? How can we compost our failures into fertile soil? What if we bring our territories, lands, trees, flowers, mountains, oceans, rocks, and subterranean knowledge to this conference?

Join this experiment in collective learning, to be in better service of life and care for the Earth.

Read more details and register online.


**Deadline expired** Inclusive Education Specialist – Jordan

Location: Amman, Jordan.

Duration: 3 years.

Application deadline: 3 November 2024.


Humanity & Inclusion is looking for an Inclusive Education Specialist. Under the responsibility of the Technical Head of Program of the Regional Program (MASHRIQ), the Inclusive Education Specialist contributes within the 5 countries of the program to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in the field of Inclusive Education.

Read more information and apply.

**Deadline expired** Inclusion Specialist – Syria (based in Jordan)

Location: Amman, Jordan.

Duration: 12 months.

Application deadline: 3 November 2024.


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is looking for an Inclusion Specialist. Under the responsibility of the Technical Head of Programme (THoP), the Inclusion Technical Specialist is based in Amman in HI Whole of Syria coordination team and will support HI projects in three different hubs with regular travel to the field in Syria. She/he will mainly support the interventions aiming to strengthen the inclusion, participation and empowerment of persons with disabilities, at individual and collective level, through the involvement of the existing OPDs (Organizations of Persons with Disabilities), as well as their access to services at grassroot level.

Read more information and apply.

**Deadline expired** Global Technical Lead – Inclusive Education, Sightsavers

Location: UK – remote; Senegal – Dakar; Cameroon – Yaoundé.

Duration: UK – permanent; Senegal or Cameroon – two-year fixed term contract.

Application deadline: 21 October 2024.


Sightsavers is looking for a Global Technical Lead for Inclusive Education, to provide technical leadership in inclusive education within their programmes. As the Global Technical Lead for Inclusive Education, you will support Sightsavers to promote inclusive education for children, youth, and adults with disabilities in education systems in West Africa, East, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA), and South Asia. Strong communication skills in English and French are essential for this role, as is the availability to travel 12-16 weeks a year, nationally and internationally.

Read more information and apply.

[Seminar/webinar] Education and conflict in Ethiopia

Date: 29 October 2024.

Time: 13:00-14:00 GMT.

Location: In person at Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, and online.

Speaker: Professor Tassew Woldehanna, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

This seminar will examine how conflict has disrupted education in Ethiopia and the challenges of recovery once the war has ended. This will build on other sessions in our seminar series of this term, which focus on education in crises, covering a broad range of topics.

This event is organised by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.

Register online.