
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Resources] ‘Let Kids Be Kids’ Social and Emotional Learning materials
Education Above All Foundation (EAA) developed ‘Let Kids Be Kids’ Activity Books, which is a cost-free and open-source bank of 100 activities for 5- to 14-year-olds, packaged into concise and engaging books for teachers. Teachers can pick and choose activities based on their convenience and deliver them through both in-person and remote modalities, tested in Lebanon. Access the books … Continue reading [Resources] ‘Let Kids Be Kids’ Social and Emotional Learning materials

[Blog] Sudan: Aya’s pursuit of learning during displacement
This blog tells the story of Aya and how she was able to return to school and learning. “Aya found a second chance at education at Hai Alarab School for Girls in Kassala State, which operated as a safe learning space while many schools were closed. Safe learning spaces are established in places where it … Continue reading [Blog] Sudan: Aya’s pursuit of learning during displacement

[Blog] Zimbabwe: Girls supporting girls to complete school
In Zimbabwe, girls have increasingly higher dropout rates than boys: 8,000 more girls than boys left secondary school in 2021, double the disparity in 2019. With the support of GPE funding, 1,090 young women have trained as peer educators, volunteering at their local secondary school for 18-24 months. Read more about the project and read … Continue reading [Blog] Zimbabwe: Girls supporting girls to complete school

[Video] Chance for Childhood – video resources for teaching vulnerable children
The Chance for Childhood YouTube channel has videos for teaching strategies for children with social interaction difficulties, visual difficulties, reading and writing difficulties, and for children with ADHD and concentration difficulties. Chance for Childhood is a charity working in Africa to support the most vulnerable children. Access the video resources. 

[Blog] We Are Not Entirely Free Until All Children Are Free (DRC)
This opinion piece tells about the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the impact war and conflict have on the children and their education. “The DRC’s lands are among the richest in the world—abundant with cobalt, coltan, diamonds, and other minerals that power our smartphones, electric vehicles, and global industries. If these resources … Continue reading [Blog] We Are Not Entirely Free Until All Children Are Free (DRC)