Inclusive vocational education, Morogoro, Tanzania Continue reading “Inclusive vocational education, Morogoro, Tanzania”
Inclusive higher education in Rwanda: The story continues Continue reading “Inclusive higher education in Rwanda: The story continues”
The views of blind and deaf university students, Namibia Continue reading “The views of blind and deaf university students, Namibia”
How inclusive are national education policies and plans? Continue reading “How inclusive are national education policies and plans?”
Supporting language learning in Qinghai Province, China Continue reading “Supporting language learning in Qinghai Province, China”
The benefits of mother tongue education in Senegal Continue reading “The benefits of mother tongue education in Senegal”
Is language key to effective family learning? Continue reading “Is language key to effective family learning?”
Language for National Reconciliation: Southern Thailand Continue reading “Language for National Reconciliation: Southern Thailand”
Community participation in mother tongue based multilingual education in Bangladesh Continue reading “Community participation in mother tongue based multilingual education in Bangladesh”
The growing demand for private education in English: a barrier to inclusion? Continue reading “The growing demand for private education in English: a barrier to inclusion?”
Introducing multilingual teaching in Vietnam Continue reading “Introducing multilingual teaching in Vietnam”
Useful publications: Language and inclusion Continue reading “Useful publications: Language and inclusion”
Debating the role of special schools in inclusive education Continue reading “Debating the role of special schools in inclusive education”