This article has been published in Enabling Education 6
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Readers’ Survey

We have been talking for some time about producing a collection of stories entitled ‘Family Action for Inclusion’. We have now decided to make the stories available on the web site and to work on a more practical handbook for parents’ organisations, using some of the material we have gathered so far. We hope this will have a longer shelf-life.

The need for regionalisation
The largest number of responses came from Africa, closely followed by Europe and South Asia. Only a small number came from South-East Asia, South Pacific and North and South America. This indicates the need for a more regionalised approach.Access to key documents
Almost half of those that responded said that they had no access to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Salamanca Statement and the UN Standard Rules.
Access to technology
Over half of those who responded had access to a computer, email, internet, fax, telephone.Most interesting pages
Successful stories of inclusive education and useful publications were voted the most popular.Translation
Enabling Education has been translated into 8 languages by readers: Romanian; Spanish; Catalan; Kannada; Bengali; Nepali; Sinhalese; Luganda.