Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!
In July GPE youth leaders continue to show their dedication to education funding remaining a priority around the world. Youth leader Asimawu (Ghana) hosted an episode of Raise Your Hand Live! featuring Alicia Herbert OBE (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office) and Dr. Maliha Khan (Women Deliver); Marina (Japan) spoke at the Japan Educational Forum; … Continue reading [UK Advocacy] GPE youth leaders host an episode of Raise Your Hand Live!

[Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics
Check out the new translated articles below: In Arabic: نموذج صندوق الرمل: منهج جديد نحو التكرار أثناء تنفيذ برنامج للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ في لبنان أثناء جائحة كوفيد- The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic and in Spanish@: Mejorar la salud socioemocional: … Continue reading [Report] New translations from the JEiE Special Issue on education in pandemics

[Conference] The inclusive lifelong learning conference calls for better learning ecosystems
The Inclusive Lifelong Learning conference drew to a close in July 2023 and participants overwhelmingly called for the promotion of inclusive lifelong learning ecosystems that effectively cater to the needs of all learners, especially vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities. Through the Bali Manifesto, the conference’s outcome document, they called for the implementation of comprehensive … Continue reading [Conference] The inclusive lifelong learning conference calls for better learning ecosystems

[Advocacy] Join the #ImALifelongLearner campaign!
Show the world that you believe in the transformative power of learning. Join the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) campaign and tell everyone why you are a lifelong learner. By supporting UIL’s campaign, you are endorsing the view that the #RightToEducation pertains to all ages. Support the paradigm shift in learning and education systems … Continue reading [Advocacy] Join the #ImALifelongLearner campaign!

[Report] 2023 GEM Report just out ~ read it here!
The sixth Global Education Monitoring Report, Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? has been released alongside 20 background papers and more than 200 PEER country profiles on laws and policies on technology in education. The report states that regulations for technology set outside of the education sector will not necessarily cover education’s needs. … Continue reading [Report] 2023 GEM Report just out ~ read it here!

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