Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Report] European Agency news bulletin on inclusive education ~ May 2023
The monthly eBulletin from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education outlines recent Agency activities and resources. Check out the rest of their website for other news and projects.

[Advocacy] What you need to know about the 2023 SDG 4 Scorecard!
What are national SDG 4 benchmarks? As this blog explains in more detail, national SDG 4 benchmarks are national targets that countries have set themselves to be achieved by 2025 and 2030 on seven key education indicators: Early childhood education attendance; out-of-school rates; completion rates; gender gaps in completion rates; minimum proficiency rates in reading and mathematics; trained teachers; … Continue reading [Advocacy] What you need to know about the 2023 SDG 4 Scorecard!

[Advocacy] GEM concept note: what are the requirements of good leadership in education?
The 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report will examine the requirements of good leadership in education and how they vary between countries and over time. It will look at the visions and goals that are driving leadership in education, and will examine the extent and through what practices the exercise of leadership contributes to better … Continue reading [Advocacy] GEM concept note: what are the requirements of good leadership in education?

[Report] Lesson observations in sub-Saharan Africa: bringing learners into focus
This research article considers different approaches to lesson observation and their potential for understanding and evaluating classroom practice in sub-Saharan Africa. It includes a critical appraisal of Teach, a recent World Bank initiative and reviews evidence from school-based research from the region to identify four salient aspects of conditions for learning: the use of languages; … Continue reading [Report] Lesson observations in sub-Saharan Africa: bringing learners into focus

UNICEF have released their report  ‘Children in Crisis – UNICEF emergency response in Sudan and neighbouring countries’ explaining impact of the conflict on children and their education. Schools and learning institutions in conflict affected areas remain mostly closed. Nearly 7 million school-age children were already out of school before the conflict, one in three girls … Continue reading

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