Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Policy] Highlighting the benefits of disability-inclusive early childhood development in emergencies
INEE have launched a new policy brief this month on “Opportunities and Challenges for Disability-Inclusive Early Childhood Development in Emergencies’. The brief advocates for and highlights the benefits of disability-inclusive early childhood development in emergencies (ECDiE). It recognises the importance of early intervention in childhood development, and explores the barriers due to which young children … Continue reading [Policy] Highlighting the benefits of disability-inclusive early childhood development in emergencies

[Report] Civicus launches their 2023 State of Civil Society Report
Civicus, the global civil society alliance, have released their 2023 State of Civil Society Report. The 12th annual report report of Civicus looks back on 2022 to explore trends in civil society action, at every level and in every arena, from struggles for democracy, inclusion and climate justice to demands for global governance reform. Check … Continue reading [Report] Civicus launches their 2023 State of Civil Society Report

[Report] Education in Africa – Placing equity at the heart of policy
A new report entitled Education in Africa – Placing equity at the heart of policy, published jointly by UNESCO and the African Union, reveals that although many countries in sub-Saharan Africa are taking significant steps to provide quality education for all, the region has the world’s largest out-of-school population. The report calls on governments to strengthen … Continue reading [Report] Education in Africa – Placing equity at the heart of policy

[Policy] Are you ready for a new era of higher education?
The Global Convention on Higher Education is officially in force as of 5 March 2023, following the 20th ratification on 5 December 2022. The world’s first worldwide treaty on higher education is now a reality, and it’s set to revolutionize the way we approach mobility and access in higher education. But what exactly does this mean for students, educators, and … Continue reading [Policy] Are you ready for a new era of higher education?

[Report] New case studies on Inclusive Education in Action website
The Inclusive Education in Action (IEA) website is a joint initiative of the Agency and UNESCO. It provides a useful collection of resources and case studies for policy-makers, inclusive education practitioners and other stakeholders. Check out the two new case studies on the website –  a counselling programme for learners in Slovenia, which aims to prevent … Continue reading [Report] New case studies on Inclusive Education in Action website

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