Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Case study] Advocating for girls education in Benin
Meet Habibatou, future nurse. A young mother aged 18, Habibatou lives in the Alibori district and attended the Gonarou school in the Gogounou commune. While school was out in 2020, Habibatou became pregnant and did not return to school when classes resumed. “When school resumed after the COVID-19 lockdown, many of our students did not … Continue reading [Case study] Advocating for girls education in Benin

[Online community] Join the campaign to ensure #LearningNeverStops
Everyone can play a role in supporting girls’ education – whether you’re a teacher, parent, student, journalist, policymaker, or simply a concerned citizen. The #LearningNeverStops multilingual campaign features a video, engaging social media assets, practical toolkits for radio and youth-led organisations as well as a ‘Girls back to school’ guide to engage audiences and stakeholders everywhere. The campaign calls … Continue reading [Online community] Join the campaign to ensure #LearningNeverStops

[Policy] El Salvador is the first country to access the Girls’ Education Accelerator
El Salvador has become the first GPE partner country to access the Girls’ Education Accelerator (GEA). The country will use the $15 million grant to tackle gender norms from an early age and support gender-equitable learning assessment from early childhood to secondary school. The grant furthers the girls’ education component of the national Crecer Juntos … Continue reading [Policy] El Salvador is the first country to access the Girls’ Education Accelerator

[Report] Links between teacher motivation, metacognition and stress.
STiR has recently completed a research study with Microsoft Research India. This study aimed to understand the applicability and experiences of lifelong learning, as understood through teacher metacognitive capacities, motivation, the ability of teachers to mitigate prevailing Covid-19-related challenges, and teachers’ beliefs and outlook for their futures. The study is one of the largest surveys … Continue reading [Report] Links between teacher motivation, metacognition and stress.

[Advocacy] World education leaders call for environment education and digital access for all
UNESCO convened a meeting in early December 2022 of the High-Level Steering Committee on Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education. The Committee called on countries to adopt new indicators measuring the implementation of green education and digital access to learning for all.  Following the Transforming Education Summit (TES) that took place on September 2022 in … Continue reading [Advocacy] World education leaders call for environment education and digital access for all

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