Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

UKFIET Newsletter May 2022
The UKFIET newsletter provides a summary of news and blogs posted onto the UKFIET website. The UKFIET Forum features a selection of blogs related to various issues in international education and development, including COVID-19. UKFIET encourages participants to submit ideas, and they will also cross-post articles already published elsewhere.

[Blog]: Thinking about the links between girls’ education and climate change
What do we know about the links between girls’ education and climate and environment change? In 2021, representatives from around the world met in Glasgow for COP26, with the year being heralded the ‘make or break’ year to avert irreversible impacts upon our planet. In this blog, Camilla Pankhurst, Education Adviser for the UK Foreign, … Continue reading [Blog]: Thinking about the links between girls’ education and climate change

[Blog]: How schools in Nepal are including children with disabilities
How schools in Nepal are including children with disabilities The Inclusive Futures project (a consortium of specialists and global leaders in disability and development from 23 international organisations) works to tackle inclusion issues to ensure children with disabilities, including those with multiple disabilities and other learning support needs, can go to school. This blog highlights … Continue reading [Blog]: How schools in Nepal are including children with disabilities

[Blog]: UNESCO – Launch of the global report on boys’ disengagement from education
Launch of the global report on boys’ disengagement from education On 7th April 2022, UNESCO organised a webinar in partnership to launch the new report: ‘Leave no child behind: Global report on boys’ disengagement from education’. This article summarises some of the key points from the panel discussions and provides links to the report, the … Continue reading [Blog]: UNESCO – Launch of the global report on boys’ disengagement from education

[Blog]: Localising power and responsibility for education
The Girls’ Education Challenge have launched a thematic review – localising power and responsibility for education through community-based structures NGOs have long understood that meaningful community engagement makes education projects more relevant, successful, and sustainable. But the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought sudden school closures and disrupted INGOs’ and national NGOs’ work, catapulted communities into leading … Continue reading [Blog]: Localising power and responsibility for education

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