Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

**Deadline expired** Young Writers’ Competition: Deadline 31st March 2022
Deadline: 31st March 2022 The Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) and UNICEF have launched an advocacy project dubbed #Inclusive Young Voices (#IYV).  Part of it is the ‘Become An Agent of Change Young Writers Competition’ which provides an opportunity for children and youths with disabilities to use their writing talents to highlight and … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Young Writers’ Competition: Deadline 31st March 2022

Deaf Child Worldwide: ‘Deaf students speak out’ study
Deaf Child Worldwide wanted to find out more about the many ways that the pandemic has impacted on the education and lives of deaf young people in secondary schools in West Bengal during the COVID-19 pandemic “Even before the pandemic, we knew that deaf children in developing countries can experience a delay of up to … Continue reading Deaf Child Worldwide: ‘Deaf students speak out’ study

[NEW Podcast]: Reimagining Education: Distance Education in Humanitarian Settings
Reimagining Education: Distance Education in Humanitarian Settings is an INEE interview series featuring a range of perspectives on distance education in crisis-affected contexts, as presented by teachers, implementing actors, donors, and academics delivering distance education interventions in crisis contexts. Some episodes present real-life examples and solutions, while others focus on theoretical concepts about distance education in … Continue reading [NEW Podcast]: Reimagining Education: Distance Education in Humanitarian Settings

INEE stand in solidarity with Ukraine
INEE shares concern for the Ukrainian people during the current conflict, and  hope for the safety of it’s members, colleagues, and all others in Ukraine. Until the violence ends, INEE advocates for the continuity of education for those inside Ukraine and the protection of schools and education institutions against attack. The INEE Secretariat is in … Continue reading INEE stand in solidarity with Ukraine

New release: ‘A Continuum for Inclusion’
For several years EENET has encouraged discussions around making education transitions more inclusive. With Open Society Foundation’s support, EENET has released a publication entitled ‘A Continuum for Inclusion – home learning, education transition, and inclusive school-based learning’ which highlights stories about the transition experiences of young learners and stakeholders. All the stories were collected during … Continue reading New release: ‘A Continuum for Inclusion’

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