Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

New British Council video series
The British Council released a video series called ‘Inclusion in Remote Learning’. The three video series was compiled in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic. EENET provided the technical expertise and produced the videos. The series will be used by the British Council to support and guide English teachers from low and middle-income countries to be … Continue reading New British Council video series

FREE Open Access book: education in low-income countries
An Open Access book, entitled Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-income Countries by Daniel A. Wagner, Nathan M. Castillo and Suzanne Grant Lewis (eds). is now freely available to download in PDF and HTML formats.   Improving learning evidence and outcomes for those most in need in developing countries is at the … Continue reading FREE Open Access book: education in low-income countries

Down’s Syndrome Association: Inclusive Education for All – 2022 campaign
During 2022, DSA are working with Down Syndrome International (DSi) and Down’s Syndrome Scotland to run a UK-wide research and advocacy project on inclusive education; its definition and implementation. They will be sharing weekly key messages on the subject of Inclusive Education for all learners throughout 2022.  They will be distributing concise answers to FAQs, by professionals … Continue reading Down’s Syndrome Association: Inclusive Education for All – 2022 campaign

New ECD home learning booklet!
EENET and Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) have produced a new home learning activity booklet for early childhood development (ECD)! In the early years, when children are aged 0-8, they develop and learn best when they play. The activities in this booklet are for all families of young children with and without disabilities. Adults and … Continue reading New ECD home learning booklet!

Resources shared during World Bank’s GDS side event
This list of reports and other resources was shared during the Global Disability Summit side event: “Every Learner Matters: Sharing Experiences from the World Bank’s programs on Disability-Inclusive Education” on 17 February 2022. IDA: Inclusive Education Flagship Initiative IDA Inclusive Education Global Report IDA Technical paper on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Inclusive Education Initiative: … Continue reading Resources shared during World Bank’s GDS side event

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