Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

Training update from Uganda
Check out the latest update about the inclusive education teacher training project in Uganda that EENET is working on in partnership with Norwegian Association of Disabled, NUDIPU, Save the Children and Stromme Foundation.

New items in EENET’s online library #4 (2021)
The following documents have been added to EENET’s online library in the last month: Community Help for Inclusive Learning and Development (CHILD): A Study of How Mobile Phones Were Used to Recruit and Equip Community Volunteers to Support Children’s Learning During Covid-19 School Closures in Zimbabwe. (EdTech Hub, 2021) Gender Norms, Child Marriage and Girls’ … Continue reading New items in EENET’s online library #4 (2021)

UNESCO paper on violence and bullying of learners with disabilities
Violence and bullying in educational settings: the experience of children and young people with disabilities. Learners with disabilities are disproportionately affected by school violence and bullying at all ages and in all learning settings. This has significant adverse impacts on their education, health and well-being. This technical brief from UNESCO aims to raise awareness of … Continue reading UNESCO paper on violence and bullying of learners with disabilities

New INEE Gender Training Manual
Gender Training Manual. INEE Guidance Note on Gender: Gender Equality in and through Education. This new training manual outlines 4-8 hours of training activities and materials related to gender-responsive education in emergencies. The materials include guidance for facilitators (including key concepts, activity instructions, and discussion guides), presentation slides, and activity handouts for participants.

UKFIET blog posts
Following the 2021 UKFIET conference, a wide range of experiences is being shared on the UKFIET blog. You’ll find blogs about topics such as: Teachers’ expectations and practices of interaction with parents in India; Accelerated education in Kenya, Somalia and Uganda; Family literacy and indigenous learning in international development.

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