Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

New items in EENET’s online library #2 (2021)
Another 8 documents have recently been added to our online library: Cost-Effective Approaches to Improve Global Learning. What does recent evidence tell us are “Smart Buys” for improving learning in low- and middle-income countries? PDF 7,1mb. Disability-inclusive Child Safeguarding Guidelines PDF 3,6mb. Disability-Inclusive Education in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt): West Bank & Gaza PDF 454kb. Girls’ education … Continue reading New items in EENET’s online library #2 (2021)

Reflections on Covid response – StiR Education
STiR Education’s new paper shares experiences from its teams in India and Uganda. It describes how they have adapted their work during the Covid-19 pandemic, and used virtual approaches to support teachers. Read ‘Reflections on our Covid Response’.

New items in EENET’s online library #1 (2021)
In the last month we have added various new items to our online inclusive education library. These include: An Introduction to Inclusive Education for Disabled People’s Organisations. Participants’ Handbook. PDF 2mb. Deaf Education in the Global South (MESHGuide) HTML. EdTech for Learners with Disabilities in Primary School Settings in LMICS: A Systematic Literature Review PDF … Continue reading New items in EENET’s online library #1 (2021)

*NEW posters and leaflets * Supporting inclusive education awareness raising with community members, school leaders, and education managers and decision makers.
EENET worked with World Bank Zambia and the Zambian Ministry of Education Education (as part of a USAID-funded initiative) to develop a series of 3 posters. They contain key messages that you can use when working with stakeholders. The posters are available to download in A4 and A3 sizes from EENET’ website: We also helped … Continue reading *NEW posters and leaflets * Supporting inclusive education awareness raising with community members, school leaders, and education managers and decision makers.

INEE blog on the impact of bombing on education in Gaza
This new blog post by Ayman Qwaider highlights the situation of education following the latest bombing in Gaza. It reports on an INEE workshop with educators from Gaza. The blog also contains a hard-hitting timeline graphic showing the extent of the challenges and trauma that an average 14-year-old from Gaza has already experienced. Read the … Continue reading INEE blog on the impact of bombing on education in Gaza

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