Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Blog] Refugee Children with Disabilities in Uganda: The role of mothers
In this UKFIET blog, Salome, J. Awidi writes about findings from a research project with Gulu University on the role of mothers as agents and advocates. It builds on the presentation Salome gave at the September 2023 UKFIET conference. Read: Making visible the invisible. Refugee children with disabilities in Uganda – the role of mothers.

[Blog] International Day of Education – climate considerations
CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education) celebrated the International Day of Education (24 January) by highlighting its work on climate education. They also posted the link to the discussion between CAMFED’s CEO Angeline Murimirwa and the UK Minister of State (Development and Africa) Andrew Mitchell MP, which was released on the International Day of Education. Read … Continue reading [Blog] International Day of Education – climate considerations

[Podcast] Inclusive Education: Unheard Stories – EENET
EENET’s new podcast series, hosted by Ayman Qwaider, features education stakeholders living and working in contexts where learners experience exclusion, marginalisation and oppression. About episode 1. Our first episode is a special two-part interview with Dr Mohammed Alruzzi. Mohammed and Ayman reflected on their experiences of education in Gaza, as learners and educators. They discussed … Continue reading [Podcast] Inclusive Education: Unheard Stories – EENET

[Videos] Kenyan Sign Language for children by ACD
These short YouTube videos show Kenyan Sign Language explained and used by teachers and learners. They were made for children (early years) by Action for Children with Disabilities Society. There is one introductory video for teachers, parents and deaf learners on how to use the videos and five videos explaining word groups like greetings, colours … Continue reading [Videos] Kenyan Sign Language for children by ACD

[Article] Teaching experience measured in more than just years
This article published on LinkedIn discusses how it is not just the number of years spent in a classroom that makes a teacher experienced in special and inclusive education. Their experience depends on constant learning, adaptability, problem-solving, critical thinking and innovation. Read: Experience in Special and Inclusive Teaching: Beyond the Count of Years Note: You … Continue reading [Article] Teaching experience measured in more than just years

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