Our work is carried out by a very dedicated team of volunteers, consultants and directors.

To contact a team member, click on their email address.

Ingrid Lewis

Managing Director

Picture of Ingrid Lewis

Ingrid oversees all aspects of EENET’s information, networking and consultancy work, and co-ordinates the team of volunteers and consultants. She is based in the UK.


Su Corcoran

Programme Officer

Su Corcoran

Su co-edits the Enabling Education Review, writes social media content, and responds to requests for advice. She is based in the UK.


Ayman Qwaider

Arabic/MENA Network Manager

Ayman manages all communications for this regional network. He also hosts EENET’s podcast series, Inclusive Education: Unheard Stories. He is based in Australia.


Susie Miles

Non-executive Director

Susie Miles

Susie was the founding co-ordinator of EENET 1997-2005. She is now a senior lecturer at University of Manchester and maintains a role in monitoring EENET’s work. Susie is based in the UK.
