
Employment and consultancy vacancies relevant to inclusion.

If you would like to list your inclusion-related vacancies here, please contact us with details.

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: Technical focal point, collaboration across child protection and education in emergencies
Application deadline: 20 December 2019. Read the full Terms of Reference. Plan Canada, on behalf of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, is seeking the services of an enthusiastic consultant with experience in both education and child protection sectors. The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: Technical focal point, collaboration across child protection and education in emergencies

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: organisational model on vocational training and livelihoods with young people with deafblindness / multi-sensory impairment
Deadline for submitting expressions of interest: 27 November 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Sense International is looking for a bespoke ‘model’ to guide its work on vocational training and livelihoods work with young people with deafblindness / MSI. While the tangible output is a document, the hope is that the process of creating … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: organisational model on vocational training and livelihoods with young people with deafblindness / multi-sensory impairment

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, MEAL element, Save the Children
Application deadline: 25 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Save the Children wishes to engage a consultant to contribute to a Save the Children Girls’ Education Technical Package for guiding our quality programming, policy and advocacy. The Consultant will deliver a specific MEAL and research agenda component that will contribute to the package. … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, MEAL element, Save the Children

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, Save the Children
Application deadline: 25 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Save the Children wishes to engage a consultant to finalise the girls’ education evidence-based approach to support a Save the Children Girls Education Technical Package for guiding the organisation’s quality programming, policy and advocacy, and to ensure the Theory of Change reflects this.

*Deadline expired** Consultancy: provision of inclusive education techniques and training to teachers and facilitators – HI, Egypt
Application deadline: extended to 24 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. The consultancy will: Assess the content and pedagogies of the existing learning program, review and identify necessary adaptations for the needs of children with disabilities; Assess the capacity of teachers and facilitators and design a capacity building plan to train them on … Continue reading *Deadline expired** Consultancy: provision of inclusive education techniques and training to teachers and facilitators – HI, Egypt