
Employment and consultancy vacancies relevant to inclusion.

If you would like to list your inclusion-related vacancies here, please contact us with details.

**Deadline expired** Consultant(s) needed by Plan International
Plan International is seeking a consultant/s to support with a theory of change for a global inclusive gender transformative quality education programme model. More details can be found in the proposal documents. Please refer to the code RFQ – FY22 098. The deadline is 27 January 2022 at 23:59 GMT. Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged in advancing … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultant(s) needed by Plan International

Inclusive Education Research Officer, Sierra Leone (HI)
Humanity and Inclusion (HI) is seeking an Inclusive Education Research Officer in Sierra Leone to co-ordinate research activities and support the production of research reports. Read the full job description (PDF).

** Deadline expired ** Consultancy to support approach and proposal development in Somalia for EU – Plan International UK
Application deadline: 15 November 2021. Download the full details. Plan International UK is seeking a consultant to support Plan Somalia Country Office in mapping the education gaps and needs in Somalia, revision of EU priorities and actors, and development of proactive education pitches/approaches. Please see the job description for more details about the assignment and … Continue reading ** Deadline expired ** Consultancy to support approach and proposal development in Somalia for EU – Plan International UK

** Deadline expired ** INEE Coordinator, Inclusive Education
Location: Home based. Read the full vacancy details. INEE is seeking a Coordinator for Inclusive Education who will be responsible for coordinating and strengthening INEE’s inclusive education initiatives for the network as well as supporting the activities of the INEE Inclusive Education Task Team (IETT).      

** Deadline expired ** PPP Policy & Development Officer Inclusive Education – Humanity & Inclusion USA
Location: Washington DC – USA. Application deadline: 13th June 2021. Apply and find out more information. HI (Humanity & Inclusion) is an independent and impartial organisation that offers aid and development in situations of poverty, conflict, and disaster. They help meet the essential needs of people with disabilities, improve their living conditions, and promote respect … Continue reading ** Deadline expired ** PPP Policy & Development Officer Inclusive Education – Humanity & Inclusion USA