
Employment and consultancy vacancies relevant to inclusion.

If you would like to list your inclusion-related vacancies here, please contact us with details.

** Deadline expired ** Inclusive education professionals, VSO, Mozambique
VSO is looking for volunteers who are inclusive education professionals with expertise in literacy, numeracy, gender, disability, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Recruitment is taking place for the following roles which all require a good command of both spoken and written English and Portuguese, or willingness to learn Portuguese. Education Literacy Adviser (Bilingual … Continue reading ** Deadline expired ** Inclusive education professionals, VSO, Mozambique

**Deadline expired** Ethiopia Country Representative – LINK
Application deadline: 30 January 2020. The Country Representative will ensure the effective and efficient delivery of Link’s Ethiopia programme. This includes the Girls’ Education Challenge ‘STAGES’ project, a key partner in TARGET, which sits within the General Education Quality Improvement Project for Equity (GEQIP-E) and various projects funded by Trusts and Foundations. Read the full … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Ethiopia Country Representative – LINK

**Deadline expired** Regional Inclusive Education Adviser, NAD
Application deadline: 22 January 2020. NAD is seeking a Regional Inclusive Education Adviser for the East and Southern Africa region, with the post to be based in Kampala, Uganda. Read the full Terms of Reference.

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: Technical focal point, collaboration across child protection and education in emergencies
Application deadline: 20 December 2019. Read the full Terms of Reference. Plan Canada, on behalf of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, is seeking the services of an enthusiastic consultant with experience in both education and child protection sectors. The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: Technical focal point, collaboration across child protection and education in emergencies

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: organisational model on vocational training and livelihoods with young people with deafblindness / multi-sensory impairment
Deadline for submitting expressions of interest: 27 November 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Sense International is looking for a bespoke ‘model’ to guide its work on vocational training and livelihoods work with young people with deafblindness / MSI. While the tangible output is a document, the hope is that the process of creating … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: organisational model on vocational training and livelihoods with young people with deafblindness / multi-sensory impairment