
Employment and consultancy vacancies relevant to inclusion.

If you would like to list your inclusion-related vacancies here, please contact us with details.

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, MEAL element, Save the Children
Application deadline: 25 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Save the Children wishes to engage a consultant to contribute to a Save the Children Girls’ Education Technical Package for guiding our quality programming, policy and advocacy. The Consultant will deliver a specific MEAL and research agenda component that will contribute to the package. … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, MEAL element, Save the Children

**Deadline expired** Consultancy: development of a girls education technical package, Save the Children
Application deadline: 25 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. Save the Children wishes to engage a consultant to finalise the girls’ education evidence-based approach to support a Save the Children Girls Education Technical Package for guiding the organisation’s quality programming, policy and advocacy, and to ensure the Theory of Change reflects this.

*Deadline expired** Consultancy: provision of inclusive education techniques and training to teachers and facilitators – HI, Egypt
Application deadline: extended to 24 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. The consultancy will: Assess the content and pedagogies of the existing learning program, review and identify necessary adaptations for the needs of children with disabilities; Assess the capacity of teachers and facilitators and design a capacity building plan to train them on … Continue reading *Deadline expired** Consultancy: provision of inclusive education techniques and training to teachers and facilitators – HI, Egypt

**Deadline expired** Consultant, final evaluation ‘Empowerment of Children with Disabilities through Right to Quality in Education of ChildFund Cambodia’
Application deadline: 22 October 2019. Read the full terms of reference. ChildFund Australia is a member of the ChildFund Alliance – a global network of 11 organizations which assists more than 13 million children and their families in over 60 countries. ChildFund Australia is a registered charity, a member of the Australian Council for International … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultant, final evaluation ‘Empowerment of Children with Disabilities through Right to Quality in Education of ChildFund Cambodia’

**Deadline expired** Consultant: Evaluation – inclusive education for children with disabilities, Sudan, ADD
Application deadline: 15 October 2019. Read the full Terms of Reference (Word document). This EU-funded project has been piloting inclusive education for children with disabilities in rural areas of Gedarif State (Guraisha, Gallabat, and Gala’a Nahal localities). The overall objective is to improve access for disabled children to quality inclusive basic education. The action aims … Continue reading **Deadline expired** Consultant: Evaluation – inclusive education for children with disabilities, Sudan, ADD