
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

[Article] 7 ways countries are transforming education
With just five years until 2030, the global crisis of equity and inclusion in education remains as deep as ever: 33% of students in the poorest countries are out of school, compared to 3% in the richest countries. But transforming education systems is possible, leading to economic growth and a path to peace. A new … Continue reading [Article] 7 ways countries are transforming education

[Article] New GPE KIX projects to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness
The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) has selected nine new projects from its recent call for proposals for applied research projects to generate and mobilize evidence to contextualize and scale the impact of promising or proven innovative approaches to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness. The selected projects focus on two core issues in early … Continue reading [Article] New GPE KIX projects to strengthen inclusive early learning and school readiness

[Research] Strengthening in-service teacher mentorship and support
In May 2021, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIX) launched the project, Strengthening In-service Teacher Mentorship and Support, which involves a teacher support model called School-based In-service Teacher Training (SITT) in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia. SITT is a practice-based approach that involves training experienced teachers and college tutors to mentor other … Continue reading [Research] Strengthening in-service teacher mentorship and support

[Research] Improving knowledge on gender norms to promote gender equality in schools in Africa
In 2021, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIX) began funding research on gender norms in Burkina Faso, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and São Tomé & Príncipe that could inform knowledge mobilization and capacity strengthening strategies to promote gender equality in schools. The research team unearthed disparities in girls’ … Continue reading [Research] Improving knowledge on gender norms to promote gender equality in schools in Africa

[Blog] World Future Policy Award 2024: Peace & Future Generations
The World Future Council is introducing the finalists of the World Future Policy Award for peace and future generations, which takes place on 27 November in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Future Policy Award celebrates top policy solutions for current and future generations. Two education initiatives are among the finalists:   Rwanda’s Peace Education Programme (RPEP) … Continue reading [Blog] World Future Policy Award 2024: Peace & Future Generations