
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

EER 10 on ‘home learning’ now available
Enabling Education Review 10 on home learning is now online in HTML and PDF formats. This edition shares the experiences of learners, parents, and teachers to showcase unique responses to the pandemic in Armenia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and the UK. The articles also showcase resources to: support home learning; engage young people … Continue reading EER 10 on ‘home learning’ now available

[Resource]: ‘Reaching out to all learners’, IBE-UNESCO
The ‘Training tools for curriculum development’ IBE-UNESCO resource pack series provides a framework to support the development of inclusive schools and classrooms. It provides guidance to support teachers on how to engage all learners. The resource pack Reaching Out to All Learners focuses on what is arguably the greatest challenge facing education systems around the … Continue reading [Resource]: ‘Reaching out to all learners’, IBE-UNESCO

New factsheet from HI on ICT and inclusive education
Humanity & Inclusion has released a factsheet on Information and Communication Technology supporting the inclusion of children with disabilities in education. This factsheet draws on a study carried out by Humanity & Inclusion, which drew up an inventory of existing ICT that could help support inclusive education for children with disabilities and identified the challenges in implementing these … Continue reading New factsheet from HI on ICT and inclusive education

**Deadline expired** [Survey]: A call for young people with disabilities to inform a Youth Charter
Young people with disabilities (aged 15-35) are being asked to complete a survey that will inform a Youth Charter – an advocacy tool to encourage states, donors and influential stakeholders to fulfill the requests made by youth in the charter.  The final Charter will be presented during the Global Disability Summit and the Global Youth … Continue reading **Deadline expired** [Survey]: A call for young people with disabilities to inform a Youth Charter

New teacher training opportunities Rwanda
In Rwanda, the lack of accessible teaching and learning materials for learners with disabilities is often a major barrier to access and inclusion. Learners with visual disabilities often wait for braille materials, while learners who are deaf or hard of hearing lack access to materials in Rwandan Sign Language and are unable to participate in … Continue reading New teacher training opportunities Rwanda