
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

***UKFIET conference 2021***
We are at the 16th International Education and Development UKFIET conference this week. The theme is: ‘Building Back Better in Education and Training: Reimagining, Reorienting and Redistributing’. Usually, EENET has a stall at the conference in Oxford, UK. This year we have a stall in the virtual exhibition space. Helen, Ingrid and Su from EENET … Continue reading ***UKFIET conference 2021***

New website from Norwegian Association of Disabled
NAD has launched a new website. It shares NAD’s work on inclusive education, human rights advocacy, economic empowerment, and disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction in Malawi, Palestine, Uganda, Zambia, and Zanzibar. You can also download training manuals on inclusive education, community based inclusive development training, and inclusive economic empowerment.

* They’re here! * Inclusive education teacher training modules now online
The inclusive education teacher training modules, developed by EENET and NAD in collaboration with trainers and teachers in Zambia, are now available to download from our website. The modules are available under creative commons license. This means you are welcome to use the modules, and adapt them to your own needs and context. The Zambia … Continue reading * They’re here! * Inclusive education teacher training modules now online

New items in EENET’s online library #2 (2021)
Another 8 documents have recently been added to our online library: Cost-Effective Approaches to Improve Global Learning. What does recent evidence tell us are “Smart Buys” for improving learning in low- and middle-income countries? PDF 7,1mb. Disability-inclusive Child Safeguarding Guidelines PDF 3,6mb. Disability-Inclusive Education in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt): West Bank & Gaza PDF 454kb. Girls’ education … Continue reading New items in EENET’s online library #2 (2021)

Reflections on Covid response – StiR Education
STiR Education’s new paper shares experiences from its teams in India and Uganda. It describes how they have adapted their work during the Covid-19 pandemic, and used virtual approaches to support teachers. Read ‘Reflections on our Covid Response’.