
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

Inclusion Now, No.58, Spring 2021
Read the latest edition of Inclusion Now. A voice for the Inclusion Movement in the UK. Published by The Alliance for Inclusive Education, World of Inclusion and Inclusive Solutions.

EdTech for Learners with Disabilities in Primary School Settings in LMICS: A Systematic Literature Review
Educational technology plays an important role in ensuring children and young people with disabilities have fair access to the school curriculum, along with opportunities that can help develop their independence and social involvement. EdTech can play a powerful and dominant role in supporting children’s learning, and they do this by providing access to technology and … Continue reading EdTech for Learners with Disabilities in Primary School Settings in LMICS: A Systematic Literature Review

Survey – UNESCO’s work on Inclusion in Education
This message is sent on behalf of the UNESCO IOS Evaluation Office. Version française ci-dessous. Versión en español a continuación. The UNESCO Internal Oversight Service (IOS) Evaluation Office with the support of an independent external consultant team from ‘Ockham IPS, Netherlands’ is currently conducting an evaluation of UNESCO Education Sector’s work on Inclusion in Education. In order to take stock … Continue reading Survey – UNESCO’s work on Inclusion in Education

New website section on DPO capacity building, Uganda
We have introduced a new section on our website that focuses on one of our current projects in partnership with Norwegian Association of Disabled. The project – which is part of the Norad-funded Together for Inclusion programme – helps disabled persons organisations (DPOs) gather knowledge and skills on inclusive education and develop a clear vision … Continue reading New website section on DPO capacity building, Uganda

JEiE Special Issue on Early Childhood Development in Emergencies
The latest issue of `Journal on Education in Emergencies` (JEiE) – Volume 7, Number 1 – focuses on the early development of young children in emergencies, and raises awareness to some lessons that are being learned. This is relevant as more and more children are being born into crises, which can negatively impact their lives. … Continue reading JEiE Special Issue on Early Childhood Development in Emergencies