
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

* NEW * Enabling Education Review Issue 8
Our latest edition of EER has recently been published in PDF and HTML format. It focuses on the theme of ‘family involvement in inclusive education’ and features articles about initiatives happening in Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Trinidad & Tobago, UK and USA. Download the PDF version of EER8. Read … Continue reading * NEW * Enabling Education Review Issue 8

Video: What is accelerated education?
This short new video from USAID provides a brief explanation of accelerated education programmes. Remember, you can also find a lot of information about accelerated education in the ‘Guide to the Accelerated Education Principles’ which was written with input from EENET team members.

Consultation for 2021 GEM Report: Non-state Actors in Education
UNESCO has opened its consultation process to gather insights for the 2021 Global Education Monitoring Report. The topic of the report will be the role of non-state actors and will look at the issue of public versus private, philanthropic and NGO engagement in education. Find out more about the consultation process and make your submission. … Continue reading Consultation for 2021 GEM Report: Non-state Actors in Education

New blog post: toy design and inclusive play
Our latest blog post discusses a workshop that one of our consultants attended earlier this year. The workshop supported participants from around the world to learn about making toys for inclusive play, using low-cost and natural materials. You can also watch a short video about the workshop and see some of the toys that were … Continue reading New blog post: toy design and inclusive play

New report on attacks on women’s and girls’ education
In conflicts around the world, female students and educators suffer horrific acts of violence within their schools and universities, including rape, forced marriage, and sexual slavery. Attacks on education have a devastating impact on all students and teachers, but they can have particularly debilitating long-term consequences for girls and women, including early pregnancy, stigma associated … Continue reading New report on attacks on women’s and girls’ education