
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

Inclusion of refugee learners in Lebanon
A recent blog post from Global Education Monitoring Report discusses the education of Syria refugees in Lebanon. In particular, it looks at the pros and cons of using a double-shift system for education. Read ‘Benefits and challenges of refugee inclusion: Lessons from Lebanon’.

Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action
CBM, Humanity & Inclusion and International Disability Alliance have published ‘Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action’, a set of 39 case stories of field practices and learnings from 20 countries, for all phases of humanitarian response. The case study document offers real-life programme illustrations relevant to the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons … Continue reading Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action

Global Framework for Refugee Education
The Global Framework for Refugee Education – produced by the Global Refugee Forum’s Education Co-Sponsorship Alliance – aims to help partners translate the ‘Global Compact on Refugees’ and the ‘Refugee Education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion’ into concrete action to help achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all by 2030.

Petition: Help Children with Disabilities Get a Good Start in Life
Light for the World and Global Campaign for Education US are running a Global Citizen petition calling on world leaders to invest in disability-inclusive early years education. Please add your name to the petition.

Inclusive extracurricular activities – Palestinian Circus School
We recently read two articles from Medical Aid for Palestinians about their partner, the Palestinian Circus School, and wanted to share them as an interesting example of how inclusive learning is not restricted just to learning in formal schools. (Read the articles from June and October 2019). The articles share the story of how the … Continue reading Inclusive extracurricular activities – Palestinian Circus School