
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

What is inclusion video
This new 4-minute video from Australia – ‘what is inclusion?‘ – provides a simple and clear explanation of the difference between integration and inclusion. It gives us a visual demonstration of a child with disability being taught in a regular class yet still segregated, and compares this with the benefits of everyone learning together in … Continue reading What is inclusion video

* NEW Arabic translation * Mental health blog post
Our recent blog post – ‘Mental health and inclusive education’ – has now been translated into Arabic. Don’t forget you can also sign up to receive regular emails from our EENET Arabic Language Community.

INEE Journal on Education in Emergencies new call for articles
The Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE), published by Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is looking for research articles and field notes submissions for a special issue on psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning (SEL) in education in emergencies. Submission deadline: 7 January 2020. Read full details about the special edition.

Unicef UK – OutRight initiative, promoting young voices
2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Unicef UK is encouraging children in the UK to use this landmark moment to learn about the impact the legislation has had and to speak up on the child rights issues that matter to them. The OutRight initiative empowers children … Continue reading Unicef UK – OutRight initiative, promoting young voices

* New EENET blog post * Mental health and inclusive education
For World Mental Health Day (10 October), EENET has published a new blog post – mental health and inclusive education – challenging and discussing some of the false assumptions that we have come across over the years relating to mental health and education. Please have a read. Discuss the issues raised or tell us about … Continue reading * New EENET blog post * Mental health and inclusive education