
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

HI report on inclusive education in a post-COVID world
Humanity & Inclusion published a new advocacy report on International Children’s Day. Let’s break silos now! – Achieving disability-inclusive education in a post-COVID world highlights that the educational exclusion of children with disabilities requires action now and collaboration across sectors. Download the report in PDF format.

‘Early Childhood Matters’ 2020 – Bernard van Leer Foundation
This year’s edition of Early Childhood Matters has been published. It contains articles on a wide range of early childhood topics. In addition to a strong focus on matters relating to Covid-19, various articles focus on inclusion and equality, such as: Identity matters: addressing inequity starts in early childhood Scaling-up mother tongue-based multilingual preschool education … Continue reading ‘Early Childhood Matters’ 2020 – Bernard van Leer Foundation

SiSwati subtitles for ‘Inclusive Beginnings’
EENET’s latest films about inclusive early childhood development and education can now be watched with siSwati subtitles. You can find the films on our YouTube channel. Subtitles in more languages are coming soon.

* New website section * Key resources from EENET
EENET has a huge library of materials, written and published by hundreds of authors and organisations from around the world. But we also write and publish our own resources. To help you find EENET’s ‘home grown’ documents and videos more easily, we have compiled a new website section: EENET’s Resources There’s a great selection of … Continue reading * New website section * Key resources from EENET

New ECDE document on disability-inclusive responses, lessons and policy considerations from Southern Africa
Getting it Right. Inclusive Early Childhood Development and Education Rights. Disability-inclusive responses, lessons and policy considerations from Southern Africa has been published by Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It includes sections on: Addressing attitudes to disability Improving inclusive practices in early childhood development and education and promoting early identification and intervention Influencing inclusive … Continue reading New ECDE document on disability-inclusive responses, lessons and policy considerations from Southern Africa