
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 3
We will be filming in two countries. The first confirmed country is Ukraine. We filmed there for our previous training video package (‘An Inclusive Day‘), and last year we worked with Ukrainian young people to carry out action research with kindergarten children. We are therefore delighted that we will be returning to Ukraine to document … Continue reading EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 3

World Bank Inclusive Education Initiative survey
World Bank’s Inclusive Education Initiative is inviting stakeholders involved in disability-inclusive education to participate in a survey about a community of practice for disability-inclusive education. The survey will take about 5 minutes. World Bank’s Inclusive Education Initiative is a Multi-Donor Trust Fund to invest in catalytic technical expertise and knowledge resources that support countries in … Continue reading World Bank Inclusive Education Initiative survey

CBM Guidelines on Persons Living with Deafblindness
On the 27 June CBM celebrated the anniversary of Helen Keller’s birth by launching its Guidelines on Best Practice for Persons Living with Deafblindness. These guidelines, available in English (with Spanish to follow soon), aim to assist governments, education agencies, public and private service providers, professionals and family members to build meaningful and appropriate programmes … Continue reading CBM Guidelines on Persons Living with Deafblindness

New journal article from EENET about teacher training
An article written by members of the EENET team has just been published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education. The article is entitled: ‘Time to stop polishing the brass on the Titanic: moving beyond ‘quick-and-dirty’ teacher education for inclusion, towards sustainable theories of change’. The article takes a critical look at the way many … Continue reading New journal article from EENET about teacher training

EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 2
Making a film with a limited budget is challenging and requires a lot of careful planning and preparation. One of the first tasks in our new project to make some inclusive early childhood education videos is therefore to write some storyboard outlines. The storyboards describe what we want to film – which topics we want … Continue reading EENET’s inclusive ECE video project – progress update 2