
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

*New article* on universal design for learning, India
Article title: Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: A Way Forward? by Anupam Ahuja and Richa Shrivastava. Download in PDF format (2.5mb). Download in Word format (1.8mb). This article has recently been uploaded to our document library. It introduces some exciting accessible learning materials from India’s National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The materials … Continue reading *New article* on universal design for learning, India

EER 2019, call for articles. Theme: parents, families and IE
EENET’s next edition of Enabling Education Review will be published in August/September 2019. The theme will be ‘Family and community action for inclusive education’. We are looking for articles from parents, caregivers and other family or community members about their experiences of promoting and supporting inclusive education. We also welcome articles about initiatives to encourage … Continue reading EER 2019, call for articles. Theme: parents, families and IE

Research into School Accessibility Plans in England, ALLFIE
By law, secondary schools in England should make Accessibility Plans to enable disabled children and young people to access school facilities and make the most of their education. However, there have been no studies to find out if Accessibility Plans help disabled pupils to feel included and part of their school communities. The Alliance for … Continue reading Research into School Accessibility Plans in England, ALLFIE

Disability rights scholarships for 2019
Application deadline: 3 December 2018. The Disability Rights Scholarship Program provides yearlong awards for master’s degree study to disability rights advocates, lawyers, and educators to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, policy, research, and scholarship to harness the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The programme … Continue reading Disability rights scholarships for 2019

INEE Conflict Sensitive Education online course
This free online e-learning course from INEE is designed to give a broad overview of education considerations in conflict environments. It is intended for field practitioners, donors, and other professionals working in education in emergencies. The course is based on the content of the INEE Conflict Sensitive Education Pack,  which supports the integration of conflict … Continue reading INEE Conflict Sensitive Education online course